Tom & Caio

Breaking news
Finding out we were having twins was a total shock. To be honest, I wasn't too happy about it when I first found out. I was concerned about how having two newborn babies would affect my then-18-month-old, and how I wouldn't get to enjoy a tiny baby like I did with my first because twins would be much harder. My husband, on the other hand, was excited straight away! It was great that he was so positive about us having three very small children when I wasn't so sure how we were going to cope. I'm not too sure when the news really sunk in. I guess it didn't really until I saw my tiny boys for the first time.
Get ready
As the boys weren't my first children, I already had an idea of what newborns were like so I didn't read any baby books. But we joined the multiple birth club and I did research into the birth and care of twins. I also read up on premature babies and got tips on how to manage twins and a toddler from other mums who have been there.
Early days
Our boys were born six weeks premature and were in NICU for 32 days. It's a tough game having two babies in hospital and a toddler at home, but the one positive from this was that, during the time we spent in hospital with the babies, it was just them and us. I didn't have to worry about caring for my two-year-old or think about the housework. In the end, it was an enjoyable time with our two tiny newborns, and great for bonding with them.
Family extended
We are very lucky to have great friends and family who have been extremely helpful. My parents looked after our daughter while we were in hospital. My mum is amazing. She came out from Brazil and stayed with us for three months; looking after our daughter, running the house, and helping with the babies. Our friends and family brought us meals and baking, took the little lady out, and came over to play with her or just to hold a baby so I could have a shower or make myself a coffee.
Wise words
It's probably a bit early for us to be giving advice as our babies are still very little, but be warned –people can have a very funny reaction when you tell them you're having twins. Don't listen to the negative comments, you already know it's going to be a busy life!
And when they are here and you're having a not-so-good day, look at those twenty tiny fingers and twenty tiny toes and remember how clever and lucky you are.