Baby guide week six

Week Six
Your baby is now six weeks old!
This is a big week for baby! He or she will have her six week Well Child Check. This is usually done by your GP. Your GP will check your baby's height, weight, reflexes, sight and hearing.
Your GP will also ask about your recovery, and answer any questions you might have.
At six weeks, your baby's first course of immunisations is due. Immunisation is a personal choice, and there are arguments for and against. If you decide to have your baby immunised, he or she will receive two injections, usually given one in each leg. For more information see our immunisation schedule, and for more information on immunisation in New Zealand see here.
Many babies have a growth spurt around six weeks. You may feel like you are constantly feeding your baby, but rest assured that he or she is getting enough. If you are breastfeeding, your milk supply will adjust to the increased demand. If you are bottle feeding, it may help to increase the amount of feeds by around 20ml, or increase the frequency of feeds.
Your baby's sensory abilities are changing constantly from the time they are born. Baby learns about the world through touch, sight, smell and hearing.
Between the ages of one and four months, your baby is becoming more aware of his or her own body and movements, and beginning to gain control of these movements.
You will notice that your baby's movements become smoother - the jerky, reflex movements of a newborn are gradually replaced by more deliberate movements.
Your baby learns by repetition, so it helps to read him or her the same story, or sing the same song, or rattle the same toy, so that he or she can very gradually become familiar with them.
It's also never too early to start regularly reading to your baby! Babies love watching the colours on the pages, watching your lips move and hearing your voice. Perhaps you could make a bedtime story part of your evening routine?