5 things you need for baby in winter
A change in season signals the need for some new baby gear. Grace Nixon, aka The Baby Lady, shares her picks for seasonal shopping.
There's a chill in the air and maybe some shopping to be done! Here are five products I recommend to help you care for your little ones and ensure that they stay warm and snug throughout the winter months.
1. WINTER-WEIGHT SLEEPING BAG No one likes to wake in the middle of a cold winter’s night having accidentally kicked off all their covers. This is exactly why I strongly recommend winter-weight sleeping bags to all parents of babies and toddlers. Cosy and snug, a sleeping bag moves with your baby, meaning he can’t come untucked. Sleeping bags are also one safe alternative to sheets and blankets, as Baby can’t slip underneath or get tangled up.
2. CAPSULE BASE A capsule with a base that stays secured in your car is a lifesaver in the wet winter months. Having the base fixed in your car means you don’t have to stand in the rain while you fiddle with the seatbelt, trying desperately to strap the capsule into the car. Instead, you just click the capsule directly into the secured base and you’re away laughing. When installed and used correctly, the capsule and base combo is considered the safest way to travel with Baby, and I strongly recommend parents ask the sales people to demonstrate the proper installation of both so they can use it with confidence.
3. DIGITAL THERMOMETER A little piece of safety equipment that will make a huge difference! Sickness caused by colds and flu are a reality for most families throughout winter, and a digital thermometer is well-worth investing in. Believe me, you’ll use this device for years. I suggest parents buy the best thermometer they can afford, and I also recommend thermometers with infrared or non-contact temple sensors, as they’re easier to use and give your baby’s temperature faster than models that go in the mouth or ear, or under the arm. |
4. SNOT EXTRACTOR These little gadgets are a bit gross but they’ll save your sleep when your little one is sick. Colds and congestion are no fun for anyone, but babies have a particularly hard time with a blocked nose because it affects their eating and sleeping. Feeding is hard because Baby can’t breathe through his nose while he’s sucking or swallowing, and sleep is affected because Baby obviously can’t blow his own nose to get any relief. Step in the snot sucker! A handy device that helps you to clear your baby’s nose by gently extracting the mucus. There are several different snot extractors on the market, so make sure you read the instructions on how to use your chosen device safely.

5. HEATING Keeping your baby warm and snug really is a priority in winter, but do take care not to overheat your baby’s bedroom. The ideal temperature for a baby to sleep in is around 18°C. That said, most houses (especially older ones or those not so well-insulated) will require heating of some sort to remove the chill from the air. Safety is paramount here – keep heaters out of reach of your child, keep rooms well-ventilated when you’re using a heater, keep the door open and use a heater with a thermostat so you don’t inadvertently overheat the room. Fan and gas heaters can be dangerous, so electric wall panel heaters are the better option.
Grace Nixon is an Auckland-based midwife and nursery specialist. Go to practicalparentingantenatal.com to learn about her antenatal classes, where they discuss what happens before and after baby arrives in equal measure.
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