What to buy for your first baby, with H&M

Pregnancy is an incredible experience, take away the stress with our checklist of everything you’ll need from pregnancy to parenthood.
CLOTHING ◻️ 6 Bodysuits ◻️ 6 Stretch N Grows ◻️ 3 Daytime outfits ◻️ 6 Cotton singlets ◻️ 3 Cardigans ◻️ 3 Pairs of socks / Booties ◻️ 3 Pairs of scratch mittens ◻️ 1 Beanie ◻️ 1 Sun hat ◻️ 1 Jacket ◻️ 1 Swaddle wrap
FEEDING ◻️ Nursing bras ◻️ Breast pads ◻️ Nipple cream Hydrogel breast pads ◻️ Muslin cloths ◻️ Breast pump ◻️ 3-6 Storage bags / Bottles ◻️ Sterilising equipment ◻️ Bibs ◻️ Feeding pillow
SLEEPING ◻️ Bassinet / Cot ◻️ Bassinet / Cot mattress ◻️ Fitted & top sheets ◻️ Bassinet / Cot blankets ◻️ Swaddle wrap of choice (muslin, stretch cotton or merino).
BATHING ◻️ Baby bath ◻️ Baby nail scissors ◻️ Brush and comb set ◻️ Non-slip bath suction mat ◻️ Bath thermometer ◻️ Towels & change mat ◻️ Baby toiletries: nappies, baby shampoo, barrier cream & baby wipes ◻️ Nappy bin / Nappy bags ◻️ Bath toys |
PUSHING ◻️ Stroller / Buggy / Pram ◻️ Sun / Storm covers ◻️ Frontpack / Baby sling ◻️ Nappy bag ◻️ Stroller blankets
TRAVELLING ◻️ Capsule / Car seat – the best child restraint will fit your child, fit your vehicle & be one that you can use correctly every time. ◻️ Sun blind ◻️ Baby view mirror
◻️ Cot mobile ◻️ Bouncer ◻️ Move & play gym ◻️ 2 Soft rattles ◻️ 2 Soft fabric books ◻️ 1 Cuddle toy
OPTIONAL EXTRAS ◻️ Reclining chair & ottoman for feeding ◻️ Monitor ◻️ Nightlight for night feeds ◻️ Change table ◻️ Travel cot ◻️ White noise machine ◻️ Thermostat controlled heating