What to expect at baby's six week check
Mama, general practitioner, and urgent care doctor Isabelle Duck, gives us the down low on what to expect at your baby’s six …
Mama, general practitioner, and urgent care doctor Isabelle Duck, gives us the down low on what to expect at your baby’s six …
What is it like to have a baby born three months early? Loren Roome tells Ruth Brown about her journey with baby Pippa. By …
It’s the first sound babies make, and the sound parents soon become all too familiar with. Dorothy Waide looks at what all the noise is about. Crying is a great talking point in parenting circles today, yet I still see a lot of uncertainty as to …
Welcome to the bold new world of parenting! Midwife Abbe Cherry offers a rough guide to baby’s first week.If only babies came with a set of instructions (and maybe an on/off switch!). All babies are different, however, and this first week will be …
Mothers are everyday heroes, putting everyone else’s needs before their own. Looking after Mum should be a top priority though, especially when there is a new baby in the mix, as Dorothy Waide explains. It goes without saying, becoming a parent is …
Meet Oliver, a delightful little guy whose family allowed us to follow his first six weeks of life, week by week. 1 WEEK OLD Oliver’s mum, Carly:“Oliver has been very content and sleepy in his first week. He sleeps long spells (four hours on …
Your emotions Immediately after the birth your first responses and interactions with your baby will probably be the most important that ever occur. Its tiny and vulnerable body will stir many emotions in you In the days following the birth there …
OHbaby! Editor Kristina Rapley talks to Karitane Mothercraft nurse, baby whisperer to the stars, and author, Dorothy Waide about how parenting has changed over the years. Kristina asks Dorothy if living in this information-rich, social …
OHbaby! Editor, Kristina Rapley interviews Karitane Mothercraft Nurse, baby whisperer to the stars, and author, Dorothy Waide. Dorothy has over three decades of experience working with babies and parents and has been involved with OHbaby! for 11 …
Congratulations on your new arrival – and welcome to the fourth trimester! Dorothy Waide shares her tips on adjusting to life with your precious newborn. The fourth trimester (the first 3 months after baby is born) is an exciting but exhausting …
Your first visit to a new family does need some careful planning, no matter how well you know them. Christine Stride offers some insight into what a new family may want you to consider before you leave your own house. At last! Your best friend's …
If relationships are our foundation, love is the cement. Miriam McCaleb looks at the life-changing effects of loving our babies. Babies are amazing. Awesome, in the truest sense of the word. Sometimes as a parent, the only feeling greater than love …
Even before birth baby’s senses are busy processing useful information. Sarah Tennant explains how touch, hearing, smell, sight and taste connect a baby to his family and the world around him. So you've just had a baby and you've mastered the …
The first hour after a baby is born is often a blur of emotion for parents. But what is your tiny newborn doing during this time? Researchers in Sweden videoed newborns for the first hour of their life and made the following timeline of how newborns …
Writer, magazine veteran and now grandmother, Lindsey Dawson, celebrates those little miracles who brighten our lives. Birth is thrilling. No sound sears straight into your guts like an infant's first cry. "Listen!" baby is squalling. "I've made …
A christening is a special occasion, a day on which family and friends gather together to commemorate the arrival of a precious new life. Combine the traditional with the modern to create a memorable day for your family and your guests. The …
Bonding with your baby: Science, nature, or just random chance? Sarah Tennant investigates the physiology of bonding, discovering the remarkable ways our bodies work to connect us with our offspring. If you were offered a pill to make you a better …
Don't be intimidated with your new collection of organic cotton wear and Merino blankets for your baby. They're super-gentle on your little one's skin, but also tough enough to be passed on to the next generation of charming rug rats in your …
While being pregnant in winter is more comfortable than in the heights of summer, it has a downside. Taking your new baby home outside in the cold weather, and then into a home that might not be warm enough, can be worrying. Babies can’t …
Tiny babies arrive in the world to be greeted by parents who think them the most beautiful creatures ever born. But even the most love-blinded mother can't help noticing her baby has a few unexpected attributes. So be prepared for: Hairiness A fine …
Becoming a grandparent is an exciting and emotional time. But for some new grandparents, the birth of a grandchild can cause them to feel uncertain, tentative, and bewildered, as they struggle to find their place within their children's new family. …
There are some routine and important tests that can tell you about the health and wellbeing of your newborn. These can provide reassurance about significant aspects of your baby’s health and development, so it’s worth considering all your options …
Although babies born in the warmer summer months are less likely to get coughs and sniffles in their first few weeks of life, special care needs to be taken in other areas to ensure that your baby is healthy and comfortable. Too hot? Newborn …
Pearls of wisdom the OHbaby! team wish they’d been told before baby arrived. You’ve made it through your first 24 hours as a new mum. Maybe you have other children, but you are a new mum all over again … and now it’s your baby’s second …
Funny-looking and socially inept or multi-skilled masterminds ahead of their time? Sarah Tennant puts forward a case for the marvellous newborn. I love newborns. I love the way they cling onto the breast like little forest creatures, looking up …
Predicting your baby’s eye colour isn’t quite as simple as this, but you can roughly calculate the odds of eye colour with this chart below. Your baby’s true eye colour will be determined by pigmentation and may not develop until around 9-12 months …
Dr Nick Walker takes us through the earliest milestones in the lives of a new baby and mother. At the precise moment of the birth of your baby, at the very second that his or her body breaks contact with yours (which is most commonly a tiny newborn …
With heavy eyes but a full heart, SimplySix blogger Rebekah Hoeft shares her tips for navigating the fourth trimester with a newborn. The fourth trimester is the three months following the arrival of your baby. It’s the moment after birth when your …
With thoughtful research, an active imagination and well-earned poetic licence, Sarah Tennant presents a baby’s eye view of birth. Does labour hurt? I don’t mean for the mother. I’m writing this while heavily pregnant with my fourth child – that …
Dorothy Waide has been supporting parents for decades. Here she offers her gentle words of wisdom to the mamas and papas of newborns. Becoming a new parent may be one of life’s most wonderful experiences – but it may also be the most daunting. Our …
You’ve made it through the first few weeks of parenthood! Well done! Give yourself a pat on the back. If you chose Plunket as your Well Child/Tamariki Ora provider, a registered nurse will visit you in your home when your baby is around four to six …
OHbaby! expert and baby whisperer Dorothy Waide offers her no-nonsense guide to bathing a newborn. Lifting your precious newborn into a bath can be a daunting moment. You can ask your midwife at the hospital or birthing centre to help you the first …
When your baby is born, you might be surprised by how his or her skin appears. If he or she was a little early, he or she will probably still be covered in vernix, a white, waxy substance that protects your baby's skin in utero. This is usually not …
Precious babies are celebrated in different ways all over the world. Be inspired by some of the rituals and ceremonies from other cultures described by Sarah Tennant. Can you imagine a society in which new babies weren't celebrated? I can't. …
If you want your baby to see your expression, just lean closer. It sounds obvious, but according to a study by scientists in Sweden and Norway, the maximum distance for a newborn to distinguish whether you are smiling or not is 30 cm (12 inches); …
There's perhaps no steeper learning curve than your first week as a parent. Blogger Jess Bovey is passionate about telling it like it is, in order to help others transition into the 'New Mum Club'. Jess shares her post about the realities of life …
This is the second in our series of four articles on the first 1000 days of life. Find PART ONE of The first 1000 days here. Research has proven this a critical and unparalleled window of time, which has a lifelong influence on an individual’s …
Dorothy Waide reflects on bath time as a bonding opportunity and comes clean about baby skincare. I love bath time with babies. It’s a time when you’re doing something that isn’t about feeding, burping or trying to get your baby to sleep. I …
Bathing baby can be a lovely ritual and a key part of a relaxing evening routine in preparation for bed. In many households, bath time is Dad’s time, with fathers finding bath time to be a great opportunity to connect with their baby after being out …
Paediatrician Anne Tait explains what creases, clicks and clunks mean to the health of your baby’s hips. From the moment your baby is born, it can seem like there is a fascination amongst your medical care team with the creases and clicks around …
A dog belongs to a person, but a cat belongs to a place. Cats are very territorial and any invasion is usually unwelcome. So when you suddenly bring home a newborn baby the different smells, noises and routines can really unsettle your cat. Aaron …
Babies almost always squirm and protest while you try to bath them, so here are some tips to make this bonding time safe and enjoyable for you both! Your newborn won't need bathing very often, maybe only once a week or so, provided the essential …
Watch this video tutorial to see OHbaby! newborn expert Dorothy Waide work her magic at baby's bathtime. For more of Dorothy's expert advice, check our her website babyhelp.co.nz or find her on Facebook facebook.com/BabyWithin …
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