Beach-ready Mama

We know the answer to ‘How to get a beach body’ is: Get a body, go to the beach! It's easy to fall into the trap of body-consciousness, but going to the beach isn't about putting on a show, it's simply about getting out there and setting an example for our kids by enjoying New Zealand's great outdoors. Below are some tips for prepping and protecting your skin this summer.
⛱️ Exfoliate all over to remove any dead skin cells and prime your skin to start building up a glowing tan.
⛱️ A moisturiser such as Nivea Body's Summer Beauty Skin has a small amount of self-tanning product so your colour gradually builds up over a few days. There are other at-home options such as L'Oréal Paris Sublime Bronze Airbrush 3D which comes with a wide-angle jet applicator and dries in a flash with no need to rub in. If you're not confident applying self-tan at home, head to your local beautician for a spray tan that will give you immediate results and last for around two weeks.
⛱️ Because we know beauty comes from the inside, try drinking tomato or carrot juice several hours before you get in the sun. Some say this will give your skin a bit of colour as well as a vitamin boost!
⛱️ Exfoliate your heels and give yourself a pedicure with a fresh new nail polish in a beautiful summer colour.
⛱️ Don't sweat it! A recent survey by for Rexona found 86% of respondents are self-conscious about body odour and sweating, and summer's the worst time for heavy sweating. Washing well, particularly under your arms, will help remove the bacteria that act on the sweat glands.
⛱️ Smother yourself in SPF. As well as your face, don't forget to protect your chest, hands and neck from the sun's rays.
⛱️ Go shopping for an oversized sun hat and sunglasses. Not only will you protect yourself from the sun, you can channel your inner Audrey Hepburn and look gorgeous, darling!
⛱️ Finally, pop a few essentials in your beach bag and you're good to go - some waterproof mascara, a hydrating lip balm and a perfume inspired by the tropics.