A to Z of summer beauty

A - aloe vera
Soothe skin that's been out in the sun too long with aloe vera. Either take it straight from the plant or check out an after-sun gel or spray.
B - bronzer
Put the blusher away for now and highlight your cheekbones, collarbones, and décolleté with bronzer instead. It will give you a natural glow and pep up pale skin.
C - condition
Repair dull, dry, sun-damaged hair and protect against further damage with a fortifying conditioner. If that doesn't help, it's time for a proper cut to get rid of split ends and unhealthy old growth.
D - dry skin
Don't underestimate the toll the heat can take on your skin, and we don't just mean your face. Invest in a good day and night moisturiser and keep your skin hydrated.
E - exfoliate
Slough off dead skin cells and wash away the dirt with a gentle exfoliant. Don't overdo it, though - only use twice a week so you don't end up damaging your skin.
F - faux tan
Faking is definitely still better than baking, and faux tanning products have come a long way from the orange hue they gave us back in the day.
G - grapefruit oil
Grapefruit oil stimulates cell regeneration and helps skin retain its youthful appearance. The fragrance also uplifts and refreshes tired minds. Look for it in moisturisers and body lotions.
H - hair protection
Sun can leave hair dry, dull, and prone to colour-fading and breakage, so invest in specialist products guard against photo-damage.
I - ingrown hairs
Ingrown hairs tend to be more prevalent in summer due to the heat and sweat. Exfoliate your skin a few days before waxing in order to encourage ingrown hairs to breach the surface of the skin. If you're afflicted with an ingrown hair or two, don't pick at it.
Wash the area with soap and water, then use a hot facecloth as a compress to help open the pores near the ingrown hair, and gently remove with tweezers.
J - jojoba oil
Good for skin that's prone to breakouts, the oil of the jojoba plant is chemically similar to the natural oils found in your skin, making it an excellent natural moisturiser.
K - kaolin
Often found in mineral cosmetics, kaolin is a soft white clay powder that helps to draw oils and impurities from your pores while ridding your skin's surface of dead cells.
L - lip gloss
Skip the lipstick and opt for lighter, luscious lip gloss so you always look fresh, not overdone.
M - moisturise
Hydrate your skin with a double-duty body lotion that both moisturises and gives you a gentle summer glow.
N - nail polish
There are few beauty faux pas bigger than scraggly, naked toenails peeping from sexy sandals. A slick of nail varnish on tidy fingers and toes can help you to look more put together and polished.
O - oatmeal
If you're a victim of the sun, an oatmeal mask can help reduce itching and soothe tender facial skin. Mix three tablespoons of oatmeal with two tablespoons of cider vinegar and two tablespoons of water to make a thick paste. Spread on your face and let dry. Rinse off in the shower, then moisturise as usual.
P - pulse points
Defined as the areas of your body where the pulse can be felt closest to the skin's surface - like your neck and wrists. Stick to these spots when applying perfume in warmer weather, so you don't end up overdoing it.
Q - quercetin
Found in yellow and red onions as well as apples, quercetin is a biofavonoid and a powerful antioxidant that can inhibit DNA damage by UV light, and can also help with allergies and asthma. Find it in supplement form in your local natural health store.
R - rosehip oil
Great for stretch marks, scars, and simply keeping your skin moist and supple, rosehip oil feels and smells great.
S - sunscreen
Slip, slop, slap - yes, it's trite, but it's also vitally important to wear sunscreen every single time you're outside this summer. Double-duty products like moisturiser with sunscreen will help keep you from forgetting.
T - tinted moisturiser
Let your natural beauty shine through by swapping your foundation for tinted moisturiser. It'll help keep you hydrated without clogging up your pores. Invisible Zinc Tinted Daywear SPF30+ $39.99
U - under-eye circles
Summer isn't the time to pile on the heavy foundation, so if your face is showing the after-effects of a few too many sleepless nights, invest in a good eye cream to help banish that raccoon mask.
V - vitamin E
Another antioxidant that can help protect the skin against free radical damage that occurs through UV light, vitamin E is a good "beauty vitamin" when taken as a supplement, and also appears as an ingredient in many skin creams, as it can be good for acne and to help reduce the signs of ageing.
W - waxing
Keep your bikini line tidy without having to be a slave to shaving. Because waxing removes the hair from the root, you'll be smoother for longer, without needing to worry about unwanted hair down there when it's tog time.
X - xanthan gum
Usually found in food products and used as a substitute for gluten, xanthan gum has some skin hydrating properties as well as helping to extend the shelf life of beauty products.
Y - ylang ylang
Calming, balancing, and rejuvenating, ylang ylang is great for combination skin, and is also believed to stimulate hair growth.
Z - zinc oxide
An oldie but a goodie, zinc oxide is a natural sunscreen agent that sits on the skin, reflecting dangerous UVA and UVB rays.