Why is my hair thinning?

It's quite normal to lose about 100 hairs a day, as your hair goes through its natural cycle. However, there are many things that can increase hair loss, the main ones being genetics, stress, diet, health (including the effect of hormones), medication and environment. We asked Gina Thomas, education director, Coty Professional Beauty ANZ for her expert advice on what's happening and what you can do about it!
Pregnancy and the post-partum stage following birth disrupts a woman’s regular hormonal balance (in many ways). During pregnancy - and it’s many hormonal changes – there is mostly an increase in progesterone (hormone released by ovaries that help maintain pregnancy). These changes cause the growth phase of the hair to be prolonged and the strands that would normally shed don't. As a result, hair becomes thicker and fuller. Once the baby arrives, another surge in hormones results in the strands that should have been lost, releasing. The change in hormones is seen as a stress on the body. Our systems will work overtime to level the hormones, applying less energy to hair-growth and subsequently causing it to shed over time. Similarly, a surge in oestrogen and progesterone hormones can cause hair to become more brittle and thin. In the months following birth, some women may also experience hair loss due to a thyroid hormone imbalance.
The three signs of hair thinning are Derma, Density and Diameter:
- Derma, or the scalp environment, is one of the main reasons for thinning hair. A healthy scalp environment supports healthy hair growth but a build-up of sebum or products can block hair follicles and prevent new hair coming through and maturing
- Hair has three growth phases, in order for the newest hair to mature, the scalp needs to be kept clean and hair protected from damage and breakage. Experiencing fewer hair strands is one of the first signs of hair thinning
- Lower keratin levels can result in a weaker hair structure and hair that appears fluffy or falls flat
NIOXIN treats the scalp as an extension of the face. By creating a healthy scalp environment, hair is able to grow strong and healthy.
Why it thins in certain spots (like around the fringe)?
A initial reduction in the density of hair can mean there is less support from surrounding hair for remaining strands. In turn, gaps in the overall silhouette can form.
Thinning in certain areas – such as the fringe – can also be as a result of day-to-day wear and tear. Being at the front of your face, the fringe takes considerably more ‘impact’ than the rest of your hair.
- It falls victim to your hands (running your hands through your hair or playing with the strands)
- Styling (pulling the hair back and blow drying puts tension on the cuticle, which the thinner hairs at the front may not be able to withstand as well as the back)
- Environmental factors – sun exposure, air conditioning etc. - that the strands to the rear can hide from.
Does everyone’s hair thin after pregnancy, during motherhood?
No, hair loss affects individuals in different ways. If you do experience hair loss during pregnancy or the post-partum stage, the good news is that this hair loss is normally temporary. After nine-months of fluctuating hormone levels, it’s normal for the body to take some time to settle back into its normal rhythm. Even in cases of hair loss after pregnancy, normal growth function should resume within 2-3 months of childbirth as hormone levels begin to stabilise.
The NIOXIN Consultation App allows those who experience hair loss to determine the right treatment for their needs. Use the NIOXIN online consultation tool to see what's the best treatment for your hair type.
There are no known side effects from using NIOXIN products while pregnant or nursing, but always consult with your physician during pregnancy, when breastfeeding or undergoing any other medical treatments.