April Fools' Pranks

Kids love it when parents act the fool. So go all out on April 1 with some of these ideas for April Fools' Day Pranks to pull on the family.
1. Be Inspired by Dr Seuss and dish out a meal of Green Eggs and Ham. Simply add a few drops of green food colouring to scrambled eggs and fry up some bacon to kick start the day!
2. Still with the colouring theme, put a few drops of blue or red food colouring into your milk carton and watch your child's face as you pour coloured milk on to their cereal.
3. Let your kids head off to kindy or preschool with thier clothes on back to front.
4. Happy Birthday! Decorate the house with Happy Birthday signs and balloons when the kids are asleep so when they wake up they'll be thoroughly, but delightfully confused.
5. Put a plastic spider or other creepy crawly in your kid's lunchbox for them to find when they're at school or kindy.
6. Get the kids to help with this one. Serve Dad his morning cup of coffee, but swap the sugar for salt and see his sputtering reaction! (have a sweet cup of coffee ready go)