Make an heirloom advent calendar

These beautiful little stockings are such a special heirloom to make for the kids for Christmas. We put one little treat in each stocking for each child and open them every morning leading up to Christmas (the tooth fairy would not be pleased!), they delight in waking up and going straight the the advent stockings we have hanging up and eating a lolly at breakfast time!
We have made 25 little stockings, but you could make little sacks to hang as well.
-1 metre of christmas fabric. If you want to do different colours then you can vary the quantity of each colour accordingly.
- scissors
- 1.5 meters of ribbon for Trim and loops to hang in ribbon
- 1.5 metres of ribbon to hang
-sewing machine and thread
- your own 'pattern' of a Christmas stocking - our are 7cm high and the neck is 4.5 cm wide to fit lollies in. (note to allow a hem when sewing in these measurements)
1. Fold fabric in half so that you are cutting out both sides of the stocking at one time.
2. Pin your pattern on the fabric and cut around to make 25 stockings.
3. Place outward facing fabric pieces together and sew around the outside edge around 4mm in from edge of fabric. Being sure not to sew the neck closed.
4. Fold neck of the stocking in about 5mm and sew around the outside of it
5. Turn the stocking out the 'right way' and iron flat.
6. Cut short widths of ribbon to trim each stocking - cut to size and sew on the front of the stocking.
7. Cut 5cm lengths of fabric for the loops on the stocking to hang on your ribbon and hand stitch into the top corner of the stocking.
8. Thread your hanging ribbon through each stocking loop and hang.
9. Add numbers using white fabric paint and a stencil or a white permanent marker pen.
10. Fill with treats and enjoy!