Have some fun with these Easter games

Kids love games and even more so when there is chocolate involved! We bet it won't just be the kids wanting to take part! You can choose to use a chocolate egg for these games, or the potentially more messy option of a raw, real egg.
Here are a few ideas for Easter egg games:
- 🥚 Line children up at the top of a grassy hill, and have them each roll an egg down the hill. The one that gets furthest wins!
- 🥚 Have children roll their eggs on a flat surface, such as a driveway or sidewalk. The one that rolls the furthest without cracking wins.
- 🥚 Have egg-and-spoon races. Children hold a raw or hard-boiled egg on a teaspoon and have to run to a designated point and back without dropping their egg. First one back wins. This is harder than it sounds!
- 🥚 Play Pass the Egg. Have children pass an Easter egg to one another -- with their hands tied behind their backs. This is a hilarious game, especially when they start trying to pass the eggs with their chins, the backs of their knees, and even their underarms!
- 🥚 Have an Egg Toss, which is similar to the water-balloon tossing game. Pairs of kids start up facing each other, then toss the egg between them. Then they each take a step back and toss it again. They keep stepping back and tossing the egg, and the pair who ends up the furthest apart without breaking their egg win!