Thanks, dad!

Father's Day is a chance to salute our Dads, and show them our love and appreciation. Why not make a week of it? Get the family together for some quality time that's far more meaningful than a new pair of socks.
MONDAY: DIY rescue squad 🔨
Mum's been nagging for months, so now it's time to call in reinforcements. Can you fix it? Yes, you can! Every dad has a to-do list of odd jobs around the house, and yet somehow there never seems to be enough time to get them done. There's nothing quite like teamwork to take the pressure off Dad, so order "All hands on deck!" and you'll cut through that list in no time. Grab a hammer and get started - and why not see if you can recruit Mum to provide refreshments?
TUESDAY: Manly makeover time 👕
Dad's probably in need of new threads, so a family shopping trip is in order, with the focus squarely on Dad. Go beyond the ubiquitous socks and boxer shorts, beyond even the stock-standard shirt that Dad gets every Father's Day, for a real style makeover. Whether he's a suit-and-tie man or a jeans-and-tee man, it's a great excuse to update his look.
WEDNESDAY: All-day breakfast 🍳
Who said breakfast has to be a morning meal? Breakfast can last all day - it can even be bacon for breakfast, lunch and dinner! Put in your order, we're here to serve. We've put together some great Father's Day breakfast ideas to inspire you (and the kids!).
THURSDAY: Hit the road, Jack 🚗
Dad can drive, but you're navigating on this mystery road trip. Schedule in meals, entertainment, and visits to local points of interest, or pack a picnic and stop somewhere spontaneous for an outdoor feast. For a real touch of luxury, organise for Dad to test drive something smooth and classy like the luxurious BMW X6 xDrive50i featured in our car reviews.
FRIDAY: Bend it like Beckham ⚽
Dads like watching sports, but this isn't about the televised kind - it's time to challenge the neighbours/cousins/family/friends to a football match, a game of cricket, or a spot of touch rugby. If the weather doesn't lend itself to outdoor pursuits, head to the local swimming pool for some indoor activity, or check out indoor sports options in your area, as many places hire out courts on an hourly basis. Or just clear the dining table and have an old-fashioned arm-wrestling competition!
SATURDAY: Story time 🤣
Do you remember the time Mum was away and Dad promised to cook something nutritious - then took you out for pizza and made you promise not to tell Mum? Today is the day it all comes out! Gather together for stories around the campfire… Or dinner table. It's also a day when "Dad jokes" are not only tolerated, but laughed at with genuine enthusiasm - but for a limited time only, so make the most of it!
SUNDAY: Family night at the movies 🍿
Forget going out - it's time to stay inside and snuggle together on the sofa as a family. But first, visit the local DVD store, or trawl through the family collection to find Dad's favourite movie. Think outside the square for inspiration - maybe a cult classic like The Princess Bride or something with plenty of action like The Tale of Despereaux. Gather a feast of snacks and pull up a bean bag, then settle in for the evening.