Mother's Day Quotes
Stuck for a way to let Mum know just how much she means to you? Borrow a phrase from one of history's wordsmiths.
"The sweetest sounds to mortals given are heard in Mother, Home, and Heaven." -William Goldsmith Brown
"There are two lasting bequests we can give our children. One is roots. The other is wings." -Hodding Carter Jr.
"I believe the choice to become a mother is the choice to become one of the greatest spiritual teachers there is." -Oprah
"My mom is a never-ending song in my heart of comfort, happiness and being. I may sometimes forget the words, but I always remember the tune." -Graycie Harmon
"The art of mothering is to teach the art of living to children." -Elaine Heffner
"A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning unnecessary." -Dorothy C Fisher
"Nobody loves me like my mother, and she could be jivin' too." -BB King
"Mother is the name of God in the lips and hearts of little children." -William Makepeace Thackeray
"Put them all together, they spell 'Mother", a word that means the world to me." -Howard Johnson