7 tips for getting rid of stuff

Kids attract stuff like Velcro attracts lint and the job of stemming the tide of toys, clothing and paraphernalia seems unending. But it’s never too early to try a little de-cluttering and you’ll feel a whole lot better about the world once you’ve done it.
1. Get the kids to help sort out toys they no longer want or use. Tell them you’re giving the toys “a holiday” in the back shed (or wherever) just to see if they miss those toys or if you can banish them for good.
2. Don’t keep unwanted toys just because they came from a much-loved aunty or friend – another child will be able to give those toys full appreciation and the giver will never know!
3. Do a room-by-room de-clutter. Get everything out on the floor and put them in three piles – things to keep, things to throw and the “don’t know” pile. This pile needs to be stowed away for six to 12 months to see if you still want or need those things.
4. For the throw-out pile, divide that into three – for landfill or recycling, for the op shop and for TradeMe or friends.
5. Have a donation box by the door where you can throw items for the op shop as you come across them. When it’s full, make a donation.
6. When it comes to children’s artwork or much-loved baby garments be ruthless. If it can’t be stored in the basement or back shed do you really need to keep all of it? Maybe just a few token items will do.
7. Invest in hooks to screw on doors and into walls to help keep clothes and other bits and pieces off the floor. If you have space under beds, invest in flat, see-through plastic boxes for storing winter clothes, duvets and children’s clothing that’s still a little too big to wear.