10 things a nursery needs

Setting up a nursery from scratch can be daunting. Where to start? What do you really need? The following aren't all essentials strictly speaking, but they come with our highest recommendation, for both their practical and ever-important aesthetic value.
1. Somewhere to sleep
Cot, bassinet, hammock... baby is going to need somewhere to sleep.
2. Somewhere for clothes
Babies need a lot of stuff! You will require good storage for the dozens of tiny clothes a baby accumulates. Drawers and a wardrobe are great, but open shelves and baskets can work too - while the clothes are small enough to fit in a basket, that is!
3. Somewhere to change nappies
If budget and space in the room allow, a change table is well worth it - your back will be especially grateful. However, baby is technically safest being changed on the floor, so a simple change mat is sufficient.
4. Somewhere to store nappies
If you're buying a change table, we recommend the types with shelving or drawers to store all the nappies, wipes and creams. Keeping your nappy changing 'equipment' close at hand is essential when changing baby, as you want everything within easy reach. Open baskets on change table shelves are ideal.
5. Something to block out light at the windows
Thermal-lined black-out curtains or blinds come highly recommended in a baby's room. Good thermal lining will keep the room cosy, while black-outs are worth their weight in gold once baby starts to resist sleeping if there is even the tiniest glimpse of light in the room.
6. Somewhere to sit
Not completely essential, but a comfortable chair in the nursery is very handy for feeding, story reading and cuddling.
7. Somewhere for books and toys
Start as you mean to continue with a home for toys and books. Invest in quality cubby shelves or a sturdy bookcase, or upcycle a piece of furniture for added character. Choose some stylish storage boxes that look good, and you and the rest of the family will feel more inclined to use them!
8. Something to provide dim light
A nightlight is really handy in the nursery, as you can check, feed and change baby when required at night, without turning on disturbing bright lights
9. Something fun to look at
Babies love to focus on interesting objects and images. A well-placed mobile or wall feature is really handy at change time, so position something fun and interesting to look at above the change area.
10. Something inspiring
Our children are never too young to be inspired. Decorate the nursery with an artwork, quote or scripture fit to instil confidence in your child and encourage hopes and dreams for their brilliant future. They will be able to read it for themselves before you know it, and in the mean time it might just inspire you - all the night feeds and nappy changes are well worth it!