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Mocka Designer High Chair

9 Comment(s)

on Mocka Designer High Chair

  1. lolliver

    15/03/2016 -

    Love the highchair for our number 2, ticks all the boxes in terms of style, price, usability, would've been better if it had wheels, but it is reasonably easy to move anyway. Cushion insert was really helpful too as kept bubs snug in it so no wriggling around

  2. Renata85

    18/06/2014 -

    Thank you so much for the opportunity to review this highchair. My one year old has just decided that she doesn’t want us feeding her anymore and she wants to do it all alone! So, this highchair couldn’t have come at a better time. What I love the most about it is how easy it is to clean. It is all made of hard plastic with metal legs, so all I need to do is wipe it down and it looks brand new again! It is also a very good size; babies who are just staring on solids won’t get lost in the chair and toddlers will fit in comfortably. You can also purchase a cushion insert to help keeping the little ones up right. When choosing a highchair, I was very conscious of style, as I didn’t want it to clash with the furniture I had in my house. So the Mocka Design highchair was perfect. It’s all white with silver legs – goes with any style. It isn’t bulky either, perfect if you haven’t got much room in your house.

  3. madeye81

    18/06/2014 -

    Bought this high chair in black and after only a few months of use the paint has started to peel off which is a real shame as it's a great chair. Mocka were quick to replace with another chair however I wonder if we will have the same issues.

  4. skiltz

    21/10/2013 -

    Mocka Designer Highchair
    Available in white, price: $79.95, cushion insert, $19.95, additional shoulder and waist harness, $19.95, all from
    Good bits: The Mocka chair is a clean, simple design. It has removable chair legs and tray so it can be stowed easily - fantastic when space is an issue. As it's basically a single piece of moulded plastic there are not really any secret places for leftovers to get stuck in.
    Tricky bits: I'm struggling to think of anything... I would recommend you buy the safety harness as well. It does come with a lapbelt but it's not really enough to keep your little one firmly ensconced.
    Bottom line: Mocka is a cool Kiwi company with brilliant designs. I have the Mocka wooden highchair at home and absolutely adore it. Sometimes the simplest solution is the best, and this is certainly a strong example. At this price and with these features you can't go wrong.

  5. DiverGirl

    22/04/2013 -

    The issue that we have with this high chair is that now The Little Man feeds himself, he can't sit close enought to his bowl as the tray doesn't slide. This causes a lot more washing as bibs don't protect laps. The upside is that the highchair is easy to clean with no nooks or crannies. I won't use this high-chair for number two.

  6. Jaden2807

    11/10/2012 -

    I LOVE our Mocka highchair, so does our son

  7. kandk

    16/12/2011 -

    I thought I would like this high chair - but I love it! It is simple, comfortable, easy to clean, practical, and styley. I bought it for my baby to use until my toddler decides to surrender his Mocka wooden highchair. Now, if only it could somehow take up less space...

  8. jthorne

    14/11/2011 -

    Love this high chair, so easy to clean as it is all plastic! We also purchased the cusion insert and have been using it with our 5 month baby and found it great.

  9. deeannna

    26/10/2011 -

    Very easy to clean! love it :) only downside is that we have wooden floors and with bubs moving around it tends to slide along too

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