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S-26 GOLD Toddler milk drink

19 Comment(s)

on S-26 GOLD Toddler milk drink

  1. Shelley248450

    25/06/2019 -

    This is by far the best nutrient balanced Toddler Milk on the market in NZ. I work in the paediatric ward and this is the formula we use for our 1-3yr olds.

  2. Lisa199149

    22/05/2019 -

    When the product first arrived my 3 year old was excited to have her own special milk. I had stopped giving her formula/breastmilk at about 1 and a half and she has just had cows milk ever since. When I peeled back the sealed foil lid I got a whiff of vanilla which made me want to drink it! My daughter also had to have a smell and commented it smelled yum. The instructions were easy to follow. I really didn't think she would drink 200ml so I just made a half serving. I like how I didn't even have to calculate what the mix would be cause it was so simple. Well, I held my breath a bit when I gave her the cup, but she drunk the whole 100ml in 2 seconds...so naturally I was jumping for joy on the inside as it was an extra way to get some good vitamins into a child who for some reason doesn't like brussels sprouts! Ha ha, just kidding, I'm not that mean.....yet. I then made her the second 100ml but of course in true toddler style she didn't drink it. I made it for her the next couple of days and she happy drunk her "special milk" then she went off it, and every batch I made in was being tipped down the sink. This morning I tried to secretly trick her and put the milk in her muesli... but you cannot out smart a 3 year old.

  3. Nerissa142548

    02/05/2019 -

    Tried this on my 13 month old. He has not liked any formula we have tried in the past, to the point where he even cried at the sight of a bottle. I was keen to wean him off breastfeeding at this point so it was timely with the free sample. I managed to get him used to a new bottle by giving milk blended with a bit of banana initially, as he wouldn't have formula on its own. Over the first week I gradually introduced a bit of formula to get him used to the taste until it was 100% formula. This worked great and he now LOVES s26 Toddler Milk. The vanilla taste and slight sweetness helps to make it a good transition from breastmilk. I give him a bottle before bed and one in the early hours of the morning and he really looks forward to this. I have just yesterday purchased our 3rd tin of formula, I am happy as it is quite cost effective with each tin lasting approx. 2 weeks, it works out to be less than $2 a day and I know it is supporting his diet and most importantly comfort since we are no longer breastfeeding :)

  4. User236985

    30/04/2019 -

    Thank you for the opportunity to try S-26 toddler milk. I found the instructions very easy to follow and the smell appealing. It was very easy to mix milk in both warm and cold water. I liked that it didn't foam up when mixed together. My wee girl enjoys it more when it is lukewarm, I think that's to do with the vanilla flavour. My wee girl went from only 1 or 2 bottles a day to 4! She really enjoyed the vanilla flavour and the smell was pleasant, unlike some other formulas we have tried. The retail cost is quite high in comparison to other toddler milks available. Overall it is a great product and I will continue to recommend to others. My friend has all ready changed from her previous formula. I will recommend to everyone. It is a bit more expensive but better quality is what I found. Better for baby and Mum - happy baby, happy mum!

  5. Michelle133726

    16/04/2019 -

    Thanks for the opportunity to trial this product on my 15 month old son. He loved it and we have since purchased this product. First impression was that it smelt really nice! I loved the fact it mixed really easily in both warm and cold water - much better than our previous formula. It smelt and tasted nice, like a vanilla milkshake my partner said. Most of all, my son enjoyed it both warm and cold, it kept him full, happy and satisfied.

  6. Kellie169309

    14/04/2019 -

    The packaging is attractive, easy to read and clear instructions and pictures. Can be enjoyed warm or cold. This is super easy to use. The powder mixes easily and does not clump like other brands can. Smells nice too. It has a nice vanilla taste. They think they are having a tasty treat but it is actually good for them. Winning. Will be our 'go to' from now on.

  7. Chimere235535

    04/04/2019 -

    Miss 19 months took to this straight away which was a first. She has been on cow's milk since shortly after one year old - after self weaning from exclusive breastfeeding. Easy to read instructions. Easy and simple to make up.Thank you for the opportunity to try something different and a new experience.

  8. AnnaPollock149543

    04/04/2019 -

    I haven't had too much experience with formula, we only used it when it was getting too tricky to express during my part time job. I remember it would never fully dissolve unless I made it in veeery warm water and then we had to wait for it to cool down, plus the smell was never particularly appealing. I was never around for the feed as Little Miss refused to take a bottle if I was in the area. But from my husband's experience, it never went down well, and without some resistance. So, from just prior to a year old, she refused a few of the formulas we tried. Jump forward to age 15 months and S-26 Gold Toddler Milk.....she takes it from myself and others, waves the cup around for more and it is a breeze to make up. It dissolves in seconds in both warm and cool water and there isn't much of a smell to mention. We've had a few food strikes during sickness and teething and it's comforting knowing that we can add a couple of extra bottles of the toddler milk to boost her nutrient levels and keep her full for a restful sleep and recovery. There isn't really much to say except I'll be topping up when my first tin runs out!

  9. User234823

    04/04/2019 -

    We have just finished the can of S-26 Gold toddler milk. My son currently drinks 6 bottles a day at 17 months. When the can first arrived it was visually appealing. On opening the can the first thing I noticed was the new scoop. The scoop handle is small and made it a tad difficult to hold for my husband with large hands. The instructions like all formulas say to use a level scoop but there is no leveller on the tin like our current formula we were using. So to level it we need to use a knife adding to more work. When trying to level it on the inside edge of the tin it was very messy.The taste of the milk and the way it mixed was great. It mixed quickly and easily and was a very light formula. I'm not sure if it's not as filling as we were waking more in the night for more milk. His nightly intake went from 220mls to 370mls for his first bottle of the night.My son did really like the taste and so did our 3 year old who would have a cup at bed time.On conclusion we would not buy the formula as I feel there are better options for ease of use that make less mess in the middle of the night while trying to level the scoop.

  10. PHenderson

    04/04/2019 -

    Thanks for allowing us to try this formula. On first opening the tin I actually did not like the sweet smell of it as the formula my daughter is currently on does not have that sweet smell to it. I did like the easy to read instructions and nutritional information on the tin and it mixed together easily with warm water. I did find however that my daughters tummy was a little unsettled on this formula and on the nights that she had this formula she would wake up several times in the night very gassy. She seems to like the taste though and did not have any trouble switching between her current formula. Overall I liked the product but I will be sticking to our current brand just because it didn't sit well with her stomach.

  11. ShonaR

    01/04/2019 -

    Thank you for the opportunity to try S-26 toddler milk. I found the instructions very easy to follow and it was very easy to mix milk in both warm and cold water. The smell was good. I tried it myself and thought it tasted ok. I tried giving this to my daughter a few times now (both warm and cold), but unfortunately she would not take it. She took a couple of sips and refused to have anymore and told me that she didn’t like it. She is 2 ½ and normally has normal blue milk, so thought this would be good try to get the extra nutrients into her. Unfortunately she told me that she didn’t like it. I wish she would take something like this as she drinks a lot of milk and would love for her to get the extra nutrients that this product offers. For anyone wanting to try this, I would recommend it. It mixes easily with both cold and warm water and has a nice consistency and has the added bonus of great nutrients.

  12. User236894

    01/04/2019 -

    Thank you for the opportunity to try S-26 toddler milk. I found the instructions very easy to follow and the smell appealing. It was very easy to mix milk in both warm and cold water, and I like that it didn't foam up (current formula they were on did). I found the taste quite sweet but the twins seemed to enjoy it. They definitely wanted more bottles throughout the day (from 2 bottles to upwards of 4). They enjoy it more when it is lukewarm, I think that's to do with the vanilla flavour. It didn't change the consistency of their bowel motions thankfully as some formulas have in the past. I would like to continue on with S-26 in future, but the retail cost is quite high in comparison to other toddler milks available. Overall it is a great product and I will continue to recommend to others, and buy for my twins.

  13. Brenda174017

    31/03/2019 -

    Thank you for the opportunity to review the S26 Gold Toddler Milk. My son who is 22 months old loves the milk. The instructions on the tin are easy to follow. I have only made the formula up using warm water, as that has been my sons preference with his drinks. It mixes really easily and I have not noticed any lumps in it. He has just the one bottle of S26 Gold Toddler milk before bed at night, which he looks forward to, and seems full and content and very cuddly after he has finished! Very happy, would highly recommend.

  14. ReneeSmith214081

    30/03/2019 -

    My son is 27 months and is still breast fed. Thank you for the opportunity to try the S-26 GOLD Toddler milk. I like the vanilla smell of the powder and the way it mixes easily into cold or warm water. Instructions were easy. Until now my son has only had breast milk, vanilla almond milk and water. The first time I served a warm cup of the S-26 to him he had a few sips but left it. So next time I tried cold water and half the amount in case he wasted it. Both times it was in the morning during and after breakfast . He tried it the second time but didn't finish the half portion. Each day I have offered it again but at different times of the day, with and without food. Because I really like the fact the powder is packed with nutrients I want to incorporate it into his diet somehow, so I tried adding 2 scoops to his warm home made banana custard and fruit smoothies. He is enjoying it this way and I know he's getting vitamins he wouldn't otherwise. I'll continue to buy this product and rate it 5 stars.

  15. User231513

    29/03/2019 -

    Thank you for the opportunity to give a review for this product. The new formula is way better. The powder is very soft. I can see the big difference by the look of it. My daughter used to drink 4 bottles a day only. But with the new formula she keeps on asking for milk every 3-4 hours on top of her solid food. So now drink 6-7 bottles a day. She either has it cold or warm. What I really love with the new formula is, it is very easy to mix with cold or warm water. Unlike other brands that get very lumpy and bubbly so I have to shake it vigorously and it takes time to shake it. But with the new S-26 formula, it is very convenient, it only takes 10-15 seconds. My daughter enjoys it. Every time she drinks her milk she is very happy and it looks like her tummy is always full. To be honest, my daughter is quite tiny. But since when she started drinking S-26, all of us observed she gained weight! She became very heavy. I went to Plunket to get her weighed, she had gained 1kg in 10 days! It's not normal for my daughter to gain so much weight. She also loved it mixed with her porridge and cereals. Also, my daughter poos once or twice a day. A good sign that she is getting enough nutrients in her body. Moreover, every time I wash her bottle, it is easy to clean, no lumps! I am very happy my daughter has now switched to S-26 gold. Thank you for making our life easier.

  16. Latesha226639

    27/03/2019 -

    Thank you for the opportunity to review the S-26 Gold toddler milk drink. My 13 month old currently drinks the Karicare Plus toddler milk drink and has been for just over a month. The S-26 Gold packaging is attractive in gold and blue. There is a large amount of information on the tin which is great, allowing the buyer to know what each added vitamin is beneficial for. Also a great blurb about the first 1000 days. Information is important for buyers to make an informed decision on what is the best formula for their child. Once the foil seal was removed I was surprised to see it didn't have a metal lip around the top like my current brand. The scoop was also different as it did not have a built-in leveller which I previously enjoyed using. Texture was similar although the S-26 was more yellow in colour and did not smell as sweet as the Karicare. I gave my daughter the S-26 milk drink warm and cold and although slightly hesitant at first (didn't completely drink the first bottle), she now drinks with no hesitation. When I tried the formula, I was surprised it wasn't as sweet as the Karicare. Nutritional information proves the opposite that the S-26 has a higher sugar content. The powder of the S-26 formula dissolved much faster and left no lumps, unlike its counterpart. Overall, this was a good experience to try another brand that we have not previously tried. I am unsure if I will be making the switch but after this trial I will consider buying this in the future.

  17. User189579

    26/03/2019 -

    Thank you for giving us the opportunity to review the S-26 GOLD toddler milk drink. First impressions: ~Thumbs up for no added sucrose, artificial colours or preservatives. ~ ‘Vanilla taste’ written on the tin - I wasn’t too sure about this aspect as we prefer to give our toddler plain milk/ formula. ~ When I first opened the tin there was quite a sweet smell due to the vanilla flavour (ethyl vanillin). ~ I noticed there wasn’t a scraper part/lip on the tin to level the scoops (something both my husband and I find handy to have). Trying the formula: The instructions were easy to follow. The formula was easy to mix when added to lukewarm water but I did notice a few lumps when mixing with cold water. Once the formula was made up, I found the smell quite strong and actually a bit sickly sweet. Unfortunately, the vanilla flavour was something that our toddler wasn’t too keen on. She would drink some of it when it was offered but wasn’t overly enthusiastic about it (offered it both cold and warm – usually likes her milk warm). She prefers having cow’s milk and another brand of toddler formula over the S-26. Due to the vanilla flavouring, we probably won’t be purchasing the S-26 GOLD toddler milk drink again.

  18. Sheelaz85

    25/03/2019 -

    Thank you OhBaby for giving me the opportunity to review the S-26 Gold formula milk. My 2 years old daughter only drank S-26 formula when she was an infant before we phased her out of formula milk recently. The instructions on the tin were easy to follow and had all the relevant information. It was also easy to make and there were no clumps or bubbles on top. My daughter, however, wasn’t keen on the milk. Last night would have been the 6th bottle that I have made which she declined. I used warm water on all occasion but happy to try again with cool filtered water. She also didn't like the taste. I had a taste of it and it was a bit too sweet. I am not sure whether adding ‘sugar’/’flavour’ was necessary for a toddlers formula milk. I guess if S-26 came up with something that was flavour-less then it might be a bit appealing? But at this stage with warm water, it doesn't seem to go down well with my girl.

  19. Marpessa

    24/03/2019 -

    Thank you for the opportunity to try and review the S-26 Gold toddler milk. Our 3 year old boy used to drink formula when he was an infant but wasn't interested in the Karicare toddler milk at the time. I found the look of the tin appealing and the instructions were easy to follow. I first tried the formula with warm milk but my boy didn't enjoy that. So I tried again with cold water which he seemed to enjoy more. Perhaps it's because he wasn't used to drinking warm milk. I was pleasantly surprised by how easy it was to mix the formula in both warm and cold water. My previous experience with mixing formula in lukewarm water wasn't great: there would always be lumps which would cause my little one to cough.As for taste: my boy had to get used to the vanilla flavour. He also mentioned it was sweet, something I agreed with after tasting. It did not put him off though. He continued drinking the milk every time I offered. I also noticed the milk was quite filling. My little man ate a lot less lunch when I served it with a cup of the formula, so I decided to served it between meals which he quite liked. All in all the trial was a positive experience and I feel that the S-20 Gold toddler milk will be a good addition to my son's diet, especially during winter.

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