Mocka - Emma Smith

Emma Smith, owner/director of Mocka
OHbaby!: What did you want to be when you grew
Emma: I wanted to be a vet for years, but
ended up being not particularly goodat biology!
OHbaby!: Do you ever feel "mummy guilt" about
spending time working instead of with your children?
Emma: I think every working mum has a sense of
guilt. It is very difficult and takes time to find the right
balance between work and family. I am still not sure I have that
right yet - but I'm working on it!
OHbaby!: What do you do to
get "me-time"?
Emma: What's that? I try and go for a run
a couple of times a week to clear my head, and late nights at the
mall is my favourite time to shop - on my own, with no kids and no
OHbaby!: What is the smartest thing you have
done with your business?
Emma: Understanding that if someone has a problem
with their purchase it is important to fix the issue and turn their
experience with us into a positive one. Generally, those people end
up being your best customers.
OHbaby!: What's the biggest mistake you've
made, and how was it resolved?
Emma: Not realising how much time your own
business can consume and figuring out that working from home isn't
as easy or practical as it sounds!
OHbaby!: What is your favourite thing about
the business now?
Emma: It is really satisfying to see your brand
becoming well-known, and repeat customers purchasing our products
as their children grow. The lovely phone calls and emails from
customers who are happy
with their purchases are very rewarding.
OHbaby!: What is the best advice you were ever
given as a mother?
Emma: Trust your instincts and go with it.
OHbaby!: What is the best advice you were ever
given as a businesswoman?
Emma: Pretty much the same thing - don't dither,
make a decision and run with it! You will never get it right 100%
of the time, but as long as you have a can-do attitude, you can't
go wrong.
OHbaby!: What are your best tips for getting
out of the house on time?
Emma: Get everything ready to go the night before
and remember the drive-thru coffee shop is beckoning down the
OHbaby!: Who is your superhero?
Emma: My partner in crime, business and love.
Without him, things would be considerably harder with the business.
He is a great dad and will happily take the kids out if things are
turning to custard on the work front!
As seen in OHbaby!
magazine Issue 13: 2011
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