Stuck On You

Carrie Felton, CEO of Stuck On You
OHbaby!: As a child, what did you want to be
when you grew up?
Carrie: I've been an entrepreneur from an early
age. Remembering cleaning out my mother's attic and selling off
some of her prized possessions as a young child brings a smile to
my face...
OHbaby!: Do you ever feel "mummy guilt" about
spending time working instead of with your
Carrie: The benefit of running your own business
is that, to some degree, you can work around your family
priorities. When I started this business I worked from home and,
like most mums, became a multi-tasking pro! I'm sure every mum
feels guilt at some time or another; we all work so hard. We just
need to keep focused on the bigger picture and make sure the people
we love get the attention they deserve.
OHbaby!: What do you do to get
Carrie: You have to prioritise. I love to
entertain and I love cooking for people, so that's how I relax -
family, friends and food... And perhaps a little bubbly!
OHbaby!: What is the smartest thing you have
done with your business?
Carrie: Be creative and original. There are so
many companies that follow the leader. Stuck On You is a recognised
brand around the world because we don't follow the leader, and we
have an amazing team of talented staff.
OHbaby!: What is your favourite thing about the
business now?
Carrie: I love creating new products - we have a
talented team and I love creating new collections. As a mum or in
business you are always faced with new challenge. I love it - you
just need to believe in yourself and go for it!
OHbaby!: What is the best advice you were ever
given as a mother?
Carrie: Continue to balance life yet still work
hard while my children were young.
OHbaby!: What is the best advice you were ever
given as a businesswoman?
Carrie: Continue to learn, and surround yourself
with great people.
OHbaby!: What are your best tips for getting
out of the house on time?
Carrie: Being organised is a speciality of mine,
but it's a feat we can all find challenging. Plan, prepare,
organise, and enjoy!
OHbaby!: Who is your
Carrie: My husband, Jon.
As seen in OHbaby! magazine
Issue 12: 2011
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