Need some help getting your mojo back after baby?
Need some help getting your mojo back after babies? Nicole Taylor, owner of F45 The Mount, talks all things postpartum …
Need some help getting your mojo back after babies? Nicole Taylor, owner of F45 The Mount, talks all things postpartum …
Following the birth, exercise helps the mother to regain her pre-pregnancy figure a lot more quickly. Studies have shown that mothers who exercise throughout pregnancy gain less body fat, which ensures that at birth the baby is at the smaller end of …
Busy mother, busy life - but finding time to exercise is still important. Lisa Yates and Fiona Ross of FiLiFit explain. It is said that motherhood is a marathon, not a sprint. How true this is! Along with the joys of being a mother come the …
At home with a baby and struggling to find ways to get back in shape? Follow fitness expert Lisa Yates' advice for getting fit without stepping out your front door. As a busy mother, it's not always easy to arrange a trip to the gym and, while …
If you're looking for a way to exercise and socialise with your newborn baby in tow, follow the advice of yoga instructor Petra Tip, and head to a mums and babies yoga class near you. For the first few weeks after having your baby, your focus …
Jane Gibson shares her tips for strengthening your core. 1. Sit against a wall and try to make the outside surface of your shoulders touch the wall. Hold for up to 20 seconds then relax. Repeat this up to 10 times to engage your back muscles and …
Caring for children can hurt. OHbaby! expert and physiotherapist Renée Vincent explains why motherhood should meet occupational health and safety standards. Many mothers weather the discomforts that accompany pregnancy only to find that the …
Renée Vincent helps new parents find ways to exercise in their own homes, and shares tips for designing a personalised and well-balanced workout. Starting a family can be a time of great upheaval. All your previous routines and habits go out the …
Many women are secretly suffering problems they simply consider "the norm". With information and exercise, you can say goodbye to pelvic floor problems and say hello to strength. In the article "At risk of a pelvic flaw?", we looked at one of the …
A gentle stretching routine can help you reconnect with your hardworking body and ease tensions common to motherhood. OHbaby! fitness expert Renée Vincent explains how. During pregnancy, your posture and movement altered completely. And after …
Pilates is a natural fit for postnatal mums looking at get back into shape gentle and without injury, writes Simone de Cunha. During pregnancy, you go through a myriad of changes to make way for the new life growing inside you. Ligaments loosen, …
What does the latest technology have to offer mums of young children who want to exercise but can’t get out of the house? Ruth Brown investigates. Outside it’s wet and cold but inside we’re pumping. Well, the kids watch entranced or confused while …
Number one is you and your body: There’s no point in starting on an exercise regime if it leaves you injured and uncomfortable for days after. One of the downsides to exercising at home is that there’s no one to monitor the “safety” of exercises …
Yoga with Adriene is one of our favourite new discoveries. Her YouTube videos are great for mums who find it hard to get out of the house for exercise. If you're really keen on jumping on the yoga bandwagon, try her Reboot programme - 29 days of …
The demands of caring for small children mean exercise is the last thing many new parents have time for. OHbaby! fitness expert Renée Vincent gets honest about deconditioning and answers the awkward question of just how fit is unfit. Quite often I …
Just add water For the ultimate low-impact workout try swimming and aqua exercise - it's a great way to keep fit during pregnancy and tone down after giving birth, as Lisa Yates explains. Swimming is one of the most versatile, low-cost total …
Pelvic floor – not to be swept under the carpet! You’ve probably heard the ads on the radio, or seen them on TV – you know the ones, they make you cringe, or at least leave you thinking “not that ‘embarrassing little problem’ again!” If you think …
Why tri? Why not! Put the "try" back in "triumph" and make a triathlon your fitness goal this summer. Physiotherapist John Forrest offers some advice on getting into this increasingly popular sport for the first time. As the days get warmer and …
Are you stuck in a fitness rut after the long, rainy winter? Wondering how you can get in any decent exercise with a baby in tow? It's time to get out of the house and get fit, says fitness expert Lou James. After the wettest winter on record, …
When you've just had a baby, exercise is probably the furthest thing from your mind. But exercise not only reduces stress and tension, it gives you more energy and helps you to sleep better at night - even when your baby won't! Our fitness expert …
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