Embrace technology with your kids - An expert tells us how

We are surrounded by technology and we often hear the negative impacts of technology on our kids, but author Yvette Adams is hoping her new book, No Kidding, will change this perception. It looks at the positive impact technology can have on our families and how it can make our lives easier.She encourages parents to embrace technology rather than shun it and the chapters in the book on saving time and money are full of great ideas that would really benefit a young family.
Yvette who is an uber technology whiz gave us these tips for technology use in families
- Don’t be overwhelmed by technology. Learn about it and embrace it so you can help your children to use it responsibly
- Create a technology charter. (Guidelines are in her book) Talk to your children about technology and create rules as a family about how technology is used in your house.
- Use technolopgy to enhance school learning. What are you children learning in kindergarten or school? Is there technology that can compliment this learning?
- Update the apps on your phone regularly. Kids get bored with the same thing day in and day out
- Keep up to date with the new apps . From computer coding to speech therapy there are some great teaching apps around. What is the latest app that your child would benefit from? What skills would you like your child to develop? Is there an app for that?
- Use technology with your child. Interact with and support them, guide them through it, Use the experience as bonding time.
Yvette’s top technology tools for a busy parents
My pocketbook An excellent budgeting app that amongst other things will send you alerts when you have spent too much money
Zero With the rise of the mumtreprenuer this small business accounting app is made in New Zealand and will get your accounts organised in no time
Google calendar Enter the whole family’s schedule from soccer lessons to doctors appointments and never double book again.
Check out more great tips for integrating technology into your family with Yvette’s book No Kidding! Why our kids know more about technology than us and what we can do about it is available from http://nokidding.com.au