Understanding and nourishing your childs gifts

The Power of Perception
Training up a child in the way he/she should go doesn't mean ignoring their natural gifts. Take time to understand and perceive your child's ways, so that you may guide them to be who they are meant to be.
by John Blase
Train a child in the way he should go,
and when he is old he will not turn from it.
Proverbs 22.6 (NIV)
The words "in the way he should go" are taken from a Hebrew phrase that literally reads "according to the tenor of his ways." Here's what it looks like:
Train up the child according to the tenor of his way,
and when he is old he will not depart from it.
Here's how this plays out. The temptation is to use a "one size fits all" approach to parenting; in other words, everybody is treated the same. Resisting that temptation allows for each child to be perceived, or seen, for their unique qualities. An awareness of their disposition or individual character then guides you in how teaching and correction are approached. It helps you to know how best to help them to use their unique gifts and passions to be who they want to be in life.
My wife and I have been blessed with three children; a son and two daughters. And believe you me, each one of our three is d-i-f-f-e-r-e-n-t. But they all have a common request of their father: Dad, look at me. The power of perception. Dads, when we look, what do we see?
There are the obvious differences between boys and girls. The literature is abundant these days on the differences between the two. Miss seeing that first important distinction and you’ll miss much about your children and they may quite possibly miss much about themselves.
There are also the telling differences that show up as a result of birth order. It's silly to straight-jacket your kids into some behavior due to their birth order, but it's just as silly to dismiss it outright. Those birth order books sell because there's something that rings true in them.
And then there are those subtle differences that take a sharp eye to spot; they're what is referred to as "the tenor of his ways." This is where it takes courage to be a father to your son or daughter, for I'm talking about looking and listening and noticing, otherwise known as "paying attention." And like the first word of that phrase (paying), it'll cost you something. How many times have you heard an exasperated adult voice bemoan, "My father never really saw me?" Yeah, a bunch.
Does your daughter have artistic gifts? How about buying her a book on art and reading together and studying the pictures? Or maybe your son loves to sing. You're not sure where that came from but the point is he loves it and furthermore, he's pretty good. Do you have the courage to name what you see? Can you encourage him and support his efforts to develop that gift? Or maybe your daughter adores animals. Is there anything truly wrong with having a pet turtle, a beta fish, a dog, and maybe even a rabbit? Truly looking into her life may reveal a heart that is gentle towards creatures and you, Dad, may see it when no one else does. She desperately needs you to wield your fatherine power and help her grow into who she is. Who else is going to do that?
Gentlemen, remember what they want and need: "Dad, look at me."
published with permission of Focus on the Family New Zealand. www.focusonthefamily.org.nz Copyright © 2008 John Blase. All rights reserved. International copyright secured.