Gender disappointment - how to navigate it!
Therapist, educator and researcher Jo Roberston has three boys, but yearned for a girl. Here’s her account of navigating …
Being a mother is such a fulfilling and rewarding role and one of the most important responsibilities you will ever have.
Therapist, educator and researcher Jo Roberston has three boys, but yearned for a girl. Here’s her account of navigating …
Motherhood is relentless and more often than not, you’re running on empty. Here are ten easy ways to practise a little …
Summer means more pool days, beach trips, and summer outfits. But along with the sunshine, those sneaky negative thoughts about our bodies can creep in. The good news? You have the power to be a cycle breaker and shape a positive body image for your …
The intensity of summer combined with taking care of a newborn can feel like a beautiful mix of magic and mayhem. Between the heat, sleepless nights, and adjusting to your new role, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. But guess what? You’re doing an …
Humanitarian and mama, Helen Manson shares her latest assignment in Bali where Kiwi women are making a world of difference in the lives of local mums and babies. Words + Photography Helen Manson Before I started doing humanitarian photography …
Postpartum doulas Jessica Prescott and Vaughne Geary from Mama Goodness share their gentle wisdom for sleep-deprived parents. On average, new mothers lose 700 hours of sleep in the first year of their baby’s life. In a society that measures …
The female form is incredible. Growing, nurturing, feeding and relentlessly loving on tiny humans. Yet still we have body issues! Beautiful Mama, it’s time to celebrate – this is me! @thepeacefulhomemakerMummy tummy. We are almost eight weeks …
Your introduction to motherhood marks a major turning point in your life. Rochelle Gillespie shares 20 reasons to love being someone's mummy. 1. I am woman! Hear me roar! Yes, childbirth is immensely painful, but one way or another that baby is …
So you're a mother and a wife — but are you who you want to be? Tina Coombes explains how creating a personal mission statement can help you align the many facets of you. Becoming a parent is a life-changing experience for most of us. How we deal …
Do you feel exhausted, overwhelmed, stressed-out, and frustrated? Are you sinking under the weight of your perceived parental responsibilities and duties, and drowning in a sea of unrealistic expectations and self-imposed guilt? Worst of all, do you …
After your baby is born it can feel like you've gone from centre stage to the background. Twin mama, Megan Raynor discusses the shift so many of us experience. Although I’m not someone who loved being pregnant, there is still a lot I miss when I …
As a parent, guilt can feel like a constant companion, but it doesn't have to be this way. Gretchen Carroll explains. Mum guilt – it’s real, and while it’s not a new phenomenon, feelings of guilt have probably been heightened by social media in …
Dreams offer great insights into our emotional lives and those of our children. Dream expert Delwyn Armstrong explains why they should be encouraged. Sleep becomes a subject of great interest once you become a parent. We all know how important sleep …
Dear Mamas, I’m writing this letter today in celebration of you, on any old typical day. Now is not the moment to notice you at your most prolific, perfect, or productive. Nope. Acknowledgment of awesomeness is easy. Anyone can give accolades for …
Women’s friendships are a precious taonga that should not be underestimated, writes Philippa Wintle. I sat in the back seat of the car, the window wound down to counteract any possibility of last night’s wine rising from my belly. I remember one of …
With all the parenting information we have access to on the internet these days it can be hard to know who to listen to. Miriam McCaleb shares her thoughts on why we should stop googling and start trusting ourselves. Knowledge is power, or at …
A mother’s mind and emotions are stretched just as much as her body during pregnancy and birth. Chantal Hofstee unpacks postnatal depression and anxiety, and gives guidance on the road to recovery. Growing a human being, then giving birth to and …
Being grateful yields powerful benefits. Clinical Psychologist Chantal Hofstee explains how to reap the rewards of an attitude of gratitude. We all have our share of troubles, but it’s probably safe to say we also have plenty to be grateful for. …
Smartphones – good or bad? Miriam McCaleb has discovered it’s all about context in terms of parenthood. Recent research from Georgetown University reminds us that they “boost or hurt wellbeing” depending upon when and how they are used. When we …
Jenny Allison wrote Golden Month: Caring for the World's Mothers After Childbirth. Her daughter Francesca Coulibaly gave birth in June 2020. Here’s her personal account of her own Golden Month. Fran, congratulations on the arrival of your little …
We all know motherhood can be intense, but when you're already facing hardship it can be even more so. We're grateful to for sharing these stunning photos that capture the unshakeable love of mothers. This mum lives on the high …
Being pregnant, or breastfeeding can bring on new levels of appetite. Fueling your body with the right nutrients is essential for all the hard work you’re doing (hello night time feeds, and busy toddlers). Having some healthy and delicious options …
If a picture paints a thousand words, our instagram accounts sure have a lot to say. We ask three mums why they went public and what they hope to share with the world. tashs.things OHbaby!: What made you decide to document your life on …
As OHbaby! magazine celebrates its 50th issue, Carly Thomson reflects on how motherhood has changed over the past few generations. I wish we had those in my day!” a woman exclaims, watching my one-year-old son sucking happily on his purée pouch as …
Fear and worry can rob us of joy but the battle to guard our happiness is worth the fight, writes Dr Melanie Woodfield. Have you ever looked back at photos of yourself in your teens and twenties, incredulous at how young and carefree you looked? …
In this age of consumerism, Sarah Tennant offers up some strategies for contented parenting. It’s common wisdom that having children reduces your attachment to material possessions, if only because those possessions literally lose their lustre …
Love your post-baby bod in all its glory, and be empowered! This movement is about mothers coming together to embrace our bodies. It’s about standing together and saying, “F*** bouncing back!” Here we are dancing together in celebration …
Mum-of-four Rebekah Hoeft busts some common motherhood myths, and reminds all mamas, you've got this (yes really!) Motherhood welcomes each mother differently, provides us with different experiences and creates opportunities to learn and grow. …
When you’ve just had a baby, even the simplest things can suddenly start taking a lot of effort. Things like going out, completing household tasks and even making decisions can take on massive proportions. The little human that you spent nine months …
Becoming a mama is life-changing. Not only has your body undergone a huge transformation, but so can will your relationship with your partner, your family and friends, and even yourself. Just remember, a new baby doesn’t mean the end of your story – …
Clinical psychologist Dr Chantal Hofstee shares how the challenges of motherhood led her to discover the power of the mind. My whole life changed when I became a mother almost seven years ago. It became richer and happier in some ways, but harder …
From slow-cookers to speed-dryers, everything to make modern motherhood easier is seemingly at our fingertips. But is this really progress? Ruth Brown asks who had it easier, your mum or you? You've bought the cot, the baby room has everything a …
Globe-trotting Hazel Squair’s fast-paced lifestyle changed dramatically when she discovered she was pregnant. Here she shares an honest account of her journey into motherhood. It’s just after 5am when Andie starts stirring. A grunting little …
At times my mum instincts make me look like a highly skilled Jedi master. I’ve been known to chop an onion, close the fridge door with my foot while catching a flying Hot Wheels car mid-air before it lands in the bolognese. I’ve spotted choking …
Any mum would have a story about a time when she wished she had more hands! There are the times when you needed to cook dinner for your family, but your newborn wanted nothing more than to be cuddled by mummy. Or what about the time when your …
It's a strange word, and a fairly uncommon one. Pippa Henderson ponders its meaning, and its place in a mother's world. I’ve always found it fun to capture a word and fully consider it, to roll it off my tongue, over and over again, until I can …
You need to apply for leave in writing to your employer, and you must submit this at least three months before your due date. Paid parental leave: what you need to know Include in the written document what type of leave you …
Fiona Roberton discovers that her expectations of what life as a mother might be like, and the reality of life as a new mother, were two very different things. I remember not long after returning home from hospital with my newborn baby, thinking …
The first year of motherhood is filled with moments unlike any you've experienced before. Mum-of-four Rebekah Hoeft shares her tips on making sure you don't blink and miss any! The first year of motherhood is filled with moments. Moments of pure …
What can you do when your only Me Time is at night time? Hannah Banks suggests ways to maximise your R&R once your little ones are tucked up in bed. New motherhood can be so exhausting and trying to find a minute to yourself can feel next to …
As a mother you have days that are tough beyond words and on those days, here are a few truths I rely on to help get me through. All they want is you, not your “idea” of the perfect mum but you With technology, a million mummy blogs that portray …
When you’re a mum, it’s easy to let things slide in the lingerie department, especially if you’re breastfeeding. Christine Stride asked maternity bra specialist Franny from Breastmates for some pointers on bra care. Guide to buying maternity …
While ‘busy’ is the new ‘fine’, Miriam McCaleb dispels the myth of multitasking, empowering us to do less and achieve more. Ours is a culture that celebrates busy-ness. Although there’s an increasing move toward recognising the value of slowing …
Don’t worry, be happy. For many new parents, this is easier said than done. Counsellor Michelle Parkinson suggests ways to overcome anxiety and step closer to peace. I’m a counsellor and a mother of three. I wouldn’t describe myself as an anxious …
Being a mother is easy – said no mother ever! It’s one of the more challenging life experiences; we gain priceless rewards but also bear much responsibility. Here are five phrases to help empower you on your journey to and through motherhood. 1) You …
Comparing yourself to others is a stumbling block like no other. Miriam McCaleb celebrates the importance of running your own race. Theodore Roosevelt, an American president worth quoting, famously once said “Comparison is the thief of joy”. How …
To celebrate Mother’s Day in May we asked three authors to contribute their reflections on motherhood — the good , the terrifying and the down-right amusing. IN THE WORDS OF… Cathy Kelly, best-selling fiction author When you’re expecting …
Catherine Tafto tips her hat to both working and stay-at-home mamas, and finds out how three kiwi mums make it work. "When you’re a stay-at-home mother, you have to pretend it’s really boring, but it’s not. It’s enriching and fulfilling, and an …
Hannah Corbett describes how she got caught in the Perfect Mother trap, and how she set herself free. I only had 10 minutes to grab everything I needed from the supermarket, but I couldn’t find the shopping list. I had to pick up the kids from …
Knowing how to set and achieve goals is a great life skill - but it’s one that even adults struggle to master. According to research*, only 12% of people actually accomplish their New Year’s resolutions! Goal-setting helps us develop a sense of …
Nailing a morning routine - it’s one of parenthood's Holy Grails, right up there with your child sleeping through the night. It’s a feat that many two-parent households struggle with, so imagine the challenges for those going it alone. Olivia Wix …
Constantly comparing yourself to the "Super Mum" next door? Ellie Gwilliam shares strategies for dealing with the realities of modern motherhood. She bakes her own bread, and prepares every meal from scratch. Produce (organic, of course) comes …
The African saying that ‘it takes a village to raise a child’ is one we hold dear - but what happens when there aren’t many villagers around? Renee Murphy spoke with Jane*, an amazingly resilient stay-at-home mum living on a farm 30 minutes from her …
One mother’s story of losing her mum and welcoming her son, and coping with life in the blurry days that followed. I remember that day so clearly. The autumn sun shone its happy rays through the window, warming every breath as my mother and I …
Mother: On losing one and becoming one “The real troubles in your life are apt to be the things that never crossed your worried mind. The kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday.” Ever since I heard this lyric, it stuck with me. I’m …
Friendships change once children come along but how can you stay friends with your old pals and make new ones that fit your family? Ruth Brown explores the tricky terrain. Charlotte: I promise I won't become one of those mothers who can only talk …
Parents can get a hard rap when it comes to their own self-image, and there is potential for their insecurities to be mirrored by their children without any intention whatsoever. The most important thing we want as parents is to raise our children …
Confused about your entitlements when it comes to paid parental leave? Here are some quick answers to your frequently asked questions. What is paid parental leave? Paid parental leave (PPL) is a government-funded entitlement paid to eligible …
Blogger and first-time mum N’tima Preusser celebrates the beautiful marks of motherhood. Before I became pregnant, someone told me, “Don’t have a baby, babies ruin your body.” It has been over a year since Anabel began her life. This time last …
Why does motherhood so often come with a side-order of guilt? Hannah Davison talks practically about this problematic emotion. At 11:37pm, 1st December 2012, I was handed my infant son. He weighed 3525 grams. At 11:38pm, I was handed my mothers' …
Babies often enter the world amidst circumstances that weren't on their parents' birth plan. Michelle Parkinson looks at how women feel after giving birth, and how they can heal. I was really keen to have a natural birth for my first child seven …
Perseverance receives a fair amount of promotion in our busy world, but as Miriam McCaleb discovers, there is power, peace and even productivity in the art of quitting. There’s a lot to be said for tenacity. Stickability, consistency and grit …
In her first feature for our new series on memory-keeping, columnist and 'queen of reminiscence' Michelle Sokolich shares her tips on ensuring the family photo album gives plenty of exposure to Mum. I can see it now. My kids all grown up, looking …
As you embark on your parenting journey, take a lesson from Tessa Apa, a career mother nearing the end of her tenure. After 23 years climbing the career ladder of motherhood, I have reached the top rung. My children are now independent, making …
We're happy to be able to feature the wonderful Glennon Doyle Melton from the blog on our website. Not only is she outrageously funny, she just nails mummyhood perfectly every time. Here's a taste, entitled "Don't Carpe Diem". Every …
How to be happy when your life doesn’t turn out as planned . . . psychologist Dr Melanie Woodfield offers some tricks of her trade. So life throws you four boys when you’ve longed for a girl. Or a surprise third baby. Or twins. That wasn’t part of …
What makes you see red when you're having a sleep-deprived day and near the end of your tether? We've compiled a list of our favourites which, on a good day, make you laugh but on a bad day, grrrr. 1. You've just changed junior's …
You've read the books, bought the recommended equipment, welcomed your passionately anticipated bundle of joy into the world… But did anyone tell you what being a mum was really going to be like? Welcome to the secret society of motherhood, says …
Frances McInnes started out with one product and a homemade website, yet built a well-known maternity brand that reaches customers worldwide. Here are her tips for other business mums preparing to launch. The key to getting started is a unique …
Movie star and mother Drew Barrymore tells OHbaby! how she’s keeping her work and home life in sync. Kids of the eighties probably first remember Drew Barrymore as the little sister from Steven Spielberg’s ET, that cinematic icon of our childhood. …
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