Korero Maori Tamariki Ma

Give your little kiwis an introduction to Te Reo Māori with basic greetings and vocab that can be easily incorporated into daily life. Not only is being exposed to more than one language great for cognitive development, but using Te Reo honours our nation's heritage and builds a sense of cultural identity in our children.
Ka pai ki te mahi! - Keep up the great work!
Kia ora - Hi! (general informal greeting)
Haere mai - Welcome! Come!
Mōrena - (Good) morning!
Ata mārie - Good (peaceful) morning
Tēnā koe - formal greeting to one person
Tēnā kōrua - formal greeting to two people
Tēnā koutou - formal greeting to many people
E noho rā - Goodbye (from a person leaving)
E haere rā - Goodbye (from a person staying)
Hei konā rā - Goodbye (less formal)
Ka kite - See you
Ka kite anō - See you again
Pō mārie - Good (peaceful) night
Tahi - One
Rua - Two
Toru - Three
Whā - Four
Rima - Five
Ono - Six
Whitu - Seven
Waru - Eight
Iwa - Nine
Tekau - Ten
Days of the Week:
Rāhina - Monday
Rātū- Tuesday
Rāapa - Wednesday
Rāpare - Thursday
Rāmere - Friday
Rāhoroi - Saturday
Rātapu - Sunday
Tēnei rā - Today
Āpōpō -Tomorrow
Inanahi - Yesterday
Mā - White
Mangu, Pango - Black
Kikorangi/Kahurangi - Blue
Kākāriki - Green
Kōwhai - Yellow
Tawa/Waiporoporo - Purple
Parauri/Pakaka - Brown
Whero - Red
Māwhero - Pink
Whānau - family
Pāpā - father
Whaea - mother
Tamaiti - child
Tamariki - children
Tamāhine - daughter
Tama - son, young man, youth
Wahine - woman, wife
Tāne - man, husband
Tamaiti whāngai - adopted child
Kuia - old lady
Koroua, koro - old man
Kaumātua - elder of group
Whakapapa - family tree, genealogy
Parts of the Body:
Māhunga - head
Kanohi - face
Whatu - eye
Ihu - nose
Taringa - ear
Niho - teeth
Waewae - foot, feet, leg, legs
Turi/pona - knee
Ringaringa - hand, arm
Matimati - finger/toe
Poho - chest
Puku - belly, stomach
Handy to know:
Ka Pai! - Well done/Good
Ka pai ki te waiata* tamariki ma - Good singing* children
Peita - painting
Honohono - sharing
Whakarongo - listening
Kōrero - talking
Haere mai - Come here
E noho - Sit down
E tū - Stand up
Whakarongo mai - Listen to me
Titiro mai - Look at me
Turituri - Hush
Aroha - Love
Kai - Food
Inu - Drink
Whare - House
Pukapuka - Book (Wharepukapuka - Library)
Iti - Small
Nui - Big
Hīkoi - Walk
Oma - Run