10 ways to add some joy to your life

We all need a good dose of joy! Here are 10 ways to bring joy to your life. Try one, or try them all!
1. PLAY! Your kids are full of life and fun - remember what it is like to play like a kid and enjoy time with them!
2. Do something for someone else. Doing something for another person can be wonderful for giver and recipient, you'll make someone's day and find joy in it yourself.
3. Have a shower. There's nothing quite like a cool shower to refresh and invigorate you!
4. Laugh! Find a good comedy movie to watch, google jokes - there are some funny things out there to find and have a good laugh at!
5. Go for a walk. Get those endorphins kicked in and enjoy the fresh air!
6. Appreciate the little things. Think of 10 things you appreciate and write them down - or if you want to do it each day write down three a day. I keep a journal - I write three things I'm thankful for and three things I want to pray about. if you're not someone who prays, make it three things you aim to improve.
7. HUG SOMEONE. There's nothing like a good cuddle - and it doesn't have to be just one person! Give the whole family a bunch of hugs!
8. Pick some flowers from your garden and put them in a vase to enjoy. If you don't have flowers in the garden go out and buy yourself a bunch, or ask the neighbours if they'd allow you to enjoy theirs :)
9. Text your best friend and tell her she is awesome and why!
10. Achieve a task you've been putting off - you'll feel better off for it.