Unique baby shower games that aren’t (too) cringe-worthy

Baby showers are a great way to have a bit of fun with friends and family and what better way to do it than with a few unique baby shower games. We’ve selected a few of our favourites that will entertain all your guests—no nappies with melted chocolate in sight.
Pass the pacifier
You will need: baby pacifiers and straws
This is a relay race with a difference. Guests separate into teams and line up one behind the other. You can choose the teams however you want – if you were hosting a co-ed shower it would be fun to do men vs women. Each person has a straw and the person at the front of the line has a baby pacifier. Once the race starts the first person in the line must put the pacifier on the straw (through the handle of the pacifier) and then pass it all the way down the end of the line. The catch is you must ONLY use the straw being held in your mouth – no hands.
Guess the baby emoji nursery rhyme
You will need: Emoji printables
Here’s a thoroughly modern shower game that you can play. Emoji Pictionary is becoming increasingly popular, which involves guests trying to guess the names of popular children’s books or nursery rhymes from the emoji’s pictured. The person or team who gets the most correct answers, wins. You can easily find printables on the internet for these and it’s sure to be a hit at your party.
Change that baby
You will need: Two cheap baby dolls, blind folds and nappies
This game is sure to ensure a lot of hilarity. Blindfold each player and see who can change the baby’s nappy in the fastest time. For an unexpected ‘surprise shower’ you can utilise a squirt bottle of warm water that randomly interrupts the nappy change…
Art for baby
You will need: Canvases and paints/markers
Why not take advantage of your guests’ creativity and get everyone involved in creating some art for baby’s nursery. Purchase some cheap canvases and some paints or markers. Have a few ideas that guests can use for inspiration and let them get creating.
Name that baby tune
You will need: Playlist of songs (spotify), paper and pencils
With technology like ‘Spotify’ this game is easy to set up and play. Collate a playlist of baby nursery rhymes and songs that have the word ‘baby’ in them – something like ‘Baby one more time’ by Brittany Spears. Play a small snippet of each track, giving guests time to write down the name of the song they think it is. The person that guessed the most songs correctly is the winner.
Baby bottle bowling
You will need: Baby bottles, sand, a tennis ball or similar
If you have plenty of space and are wanting a more physical game this is a whole lot of fun, especially in co-ed showers. Set up six or more baby bottles in ten-pin-bowling formation with a bit of water in each to weigh them down. Get guests to use a tennis ball to try and knock them down.
Playdough baby
You will need: Playdough for each guest
Who can create the cutest baby in 10 minutes. Let the guests get busy with their own playdough and create a playdough baby. The winner is the cutest baby as decided by the mum to be.