Covid birth story

I had my little girl at 38+2 weeks at Birthcare Parnell just after we went to Level 3 on April 29. She’s my first baby and we had planned for my partner’s mum, who was stuck in Samoa due to travel restrictions and my family from Germany to be there.
I woke up with what I believed to be a sore stomach the night before. It was only at a standard appointment late afternoon that day that my midwife told me my sore stomach were contractions, that I was already 5 cm dilated and that I would have baby that day. My midwife sent us back home to grab our bags, to drop my partners older daughter off and to meet her at Birthcare when we were ready. We knew that I was allowed only one support person and that my partner wouldn’t be allowed back if he left Birthcare for any reason.
We arrived there at 8.45pm and were taken straight to a birthing suite. At this stage I was having strong contractions and rather than using the birthing pool as planned, all I wanted to do was to lean over a chair. Our daughter was born naturally at 10.29pm with the help of 2 midwifes. All my pre-held fears about giving birth naturally proved to be mainly unfounded. It was one of the most empowering moments of my life. I once again must thank my wonderful midwife for the fantastic job and support she provided to me during the birth.
Unfortunately, our baby girl was only 5.7lb and had very low sugar levels so we had to stay at Birthcare for another 3 nights. While my stay was free, my partner was allowed to stay with me for a little extra fee. The staff at Birthcare as well as my midwife were exceptional, friendly and competent for the whole time of our stay. While we didn't have to wear facemasks midwifes would wear them if requested and everyone kept physical distance where possible. Everything felt comfortably “normal” aside from the fact that we weren’t allowed to go outside with baby.
Looking back, I have to say that even though I missed having family around, I enjoyed getting to know my precious bundle and her needs in such a private setting. And for all the worried mummas to be out there - your midwife is always just a phone call away and the staff at all facilities are absolutely fantastic and will most certainly try to keep you and your babies as safe as possible. I hope this pandemic will be over soon as I would love for my baby to meet her German family. I know this time will come and until then there is Skype and Facetime. Lots of it :)
Baby Aalia
Our first outing at Level 1