10 best tips for babymaking

For many women and couples, the decision to start a family comes after a number of years of actively trying to prevent pregnancy. So it can come as a bit of a rude shock to learn that the human reproductive system is not all that efficient and that falling pregnant isn’t always easy or immediate.
In fact, one in six couples will face some kind of fertility problem during their relationship.
There are a number of steps you can take straight away to try to boost your chances of conceiving naturally.
- Don’t leave it too late! Women are born with all their eggs and those eggs decline in both quantity and quality over time. As a result, the chance of a woman conceiving drops sharply in her late 30s to early 40s.
- Formulate a good diet and exercise routine. Women have a higher chance of conception when they are in a normal body mass index range and if either partner is overweight or obese, the chances of pregnancy are reduced considerably. In both men and women a BMI of 18.5-24.9 is considered normal.
- Take appropriate preconception supplements. All women trying to conceive should take supplemental folic acid (folate) to ensure the best chance of a healthy pregnancy. A number of women are also deficient in vitamin D and iodine, so it’s worth investigating your levels with your GP before you start trying.
- Try to have sex about every other day, particularly leading up to the middle of your cycle.
- Know your cycle. Women with 28 day menstrual cycles usually ovulate midway between their menses – about 14 days after the start of their period. There are various simple ways to figure out when you ovulate. The time of ovulation – and slightly earlier – is the best time to have unprotected sex.
- Don’t smoke and significantly curtail alcohol and caffeine consumption. Smoking is toxic to human eggs and has long lasting negative effects even after a woman stops. Remember, it takes two to tango so make sure your other half is also well and healthy, is not smoking and is also reducing his alcohol intake.
- Remember that your friends and even your mother are not necessarily fertility experts, despite their personal experiences. Their advice might be well meaning, but not necessarily accurate.
- Try to relax. Obsessing about conception can be counterproductive and leave you so stressed that it affects your ovulation. Consider strategies that might reduce anxiety and help you remain positive.
- Live a normal and happy life. There is no evidence that you need to reduce normal levels of exercise or somehow wrap yourself in cotton wool while you are trying to conceive.
- Make a plan. Many couples who have fertility treatment say the best piece of advice they would give couples trying to conceive is to seek help earlier. Know what your options are and when to move on to Plan B. So when is the right time to seek help? It’s well accepted that 12 months of trying without success, or six months if you’re over 35, is an indication that things aren’t working quite as they should be. Most importantly though, if you’re becoming stressed about not conceiving then talk to your GP or Fertility Specialist about your options rather than waiting and worrying.