Top 9 fertility boosting foods

Clinical nutritionist and mum of four, Gina Urlich explains how nutrition plays a vital role in fertility, and shares her top 9 foods.
When we plant a seed we provide an optimal environment for it to sprout and grow, we use nutrient rich soil, water and sunshine. When growing a baby we want to do the same.
Nutrition plays a vital role when it comes to fertility. The foods we eat are the building blocks for hormones and play a fundamental role in our children’s health. Maternal and neonatal health outcomes are significantly influenced by nutrient availability throughout preconception, pregnancy and lactation.
What we are doing three months prior to conception will influence the quality of sperm and egg. That’s right, we have the ability to influence our future baby’s health by nourishing our body and reducing exposure to toxic substances prior to conception.
In this day and age there are many different hurdles that may stand in the way of fertility and sadly the rates of patients with fertility issues are climbing rapidly. The rise of polycystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis, thyroid problems, low sperm count and countless other reasons are prompting people to seek reproductive help to conceive.
We can manage our stress, we can eat the right foods to fertilise our bodies and nourish our reproductive organs, and naturally we can address hormonal problems and thyroid abnormalities. We can also have a huge impact on the way we absorb and assimilate nutrients from food. Most importantly we can assess the reasons WHY you or your partner may not have fallen pregnant yet.
One way in which we can fertilise our body to make it an optimal environment to grow new life is by the food we eat. Whether you have fertility complications, are an IVF patient, wanting to start a preconception plan, or have low sperm count, we could all benefit from adding in some super fertility boosting foods and changing the way we look at food that nourishes our body.
Remember no treatment or fertility diet is the same, but here are some foods that can really make our bodies shine from the inside out and have some amazing “healing power of nature” properties...
Natures multivitamin! Full of nourishing fats, protein and an abundance of vitamins.
Eggs also contain an important nutrient called choline. Choline is a B vitamin which is involved in many of the same metabolic pathways as folate, including methylation.
Choline is as equally important as folate in preventing neural tube defects and central nervous system development.
A 2019 Australian study fund that less than 10% of people were achieving the adequate intake for choline:
Choline also enhances the transport of nutrients across the placenta, including Omega-3 DHA.
If you are vegan or don’t eat eggs I would recommend speaking to a Clinical Nutritionist regarding supplementation of choline.
Monounsaturated fats in avocado reduce inflammation supporting an ideal environment for conception. These healthy fats help our reproductive organs by reducing inflammation and enhancing female and male fertility.
Avocados are also rich in our fat-soluble vitamins. Research shows vitamin E significantly improves sperm motility and fertility for men. Vitamin E has antioxidant properties, which protect against damage to the fat cells in sperm. For women, vitamin E protects egg health and encourages normal endometrial lining thickness.
Maca is a root-like vegetable from Peru. It contains 31 different minerals and 60 different phytonutrients; it is a nourishing food for the endocrine system and supports hormone synthesis. Bursting with amino acids, enzymes and minerals it can help with vaginal dryness, enhance both the libido and fertility, and is a fantastic superfood for both men and women.
When purchasing maca try to look for activated maca, traditionally maca is steamed to sanitise it and kill any mould, for this reason I don’t recommend that you buy raw maca. A brand that I use and trust is Seleno Health.
Raspberries, blueberries, and blackberries are not only delicious but exceptionally high in antioxidants that support egg and sperm DNA, balance blood sugar levels and are a rich source of vitamins and minerals.
Goji Berries are a great source of zinc and vitamin B6, they also have potent antioxidant qualities for egg and sperm health.
Coconut cream is one of my favorite sources of healthy, essential fats for preconception and fertility (it also tastes delicious!)
Coconut was once criticised for its saturated fat, but we can separate saturated fat into two categories. One is long-chain fatty acids (not so good) and the other is medium-chain fatty acids (these are very good), which are found in coconut. The medium-chain fats found in coconut support blood sugar regulation and satiety, support hormone production and increase cervical mucous production – which is vital for conception.
Wild Caught Salmon contains omega-3 essential fatty acids, B12 and iron. Omega-3 acids have been shown to help fertility by helping to regulate hormones in the body, increase cervical mucus, promote ovulation, and overall improve the quality of the uterus by increasing the blood flow to the reproductive organs. Essential fatty acids and cholesterol are primary ingredients in sperm cell membranes, so are fabulous for men and women.
Nuts are a great source of protein and important fertility nutrients such as zinc, iron and essential fats. Brazil nuts in particular are a rich source of selenium. Selenium maintains the shape of the sperm mitochondria (cell’s energy generator). Selenium protects fatty acids from oxidizing. Sperm is mainly made of essential fatty acids. Essential fatty acids can easily oxidize and become rancid.
Selenium is responsible for thyroid hormone metabolism, maintains healthy insulin levels in the body and is involved in gene expression and cell replication. As you can see, a very important mineral for fertility!
Eat 2-3 brazil nuts a day to meet your selenium requirements.
Fantastic for improving male semen quality and motility and boosting male fertility, interestingly if you open them up they resemble the shape of sperm too. Historically known as an aphrodisiac, figs are high in magnesium and iron – two important minerals for fertility for both men and women.
Whilst not a food, sun rays on our skin actually activate Vitamin D production. Vitamin D is essential for fertility and the production of hormones. Vitamin D actually assists with ovulation! Safe sun exposure everyday with exposed arms and legs is all we need, but the more skin exposure the better. Get out at lunchtime for some much-needed vitamin D.
Every time you eat something, it is an opportunity to heal yourself and nourish your body with the best. Eating foods in their purest form and eating wholefoods can heal your body and prevent you from being too 'deficient' to conceive, and give your baby the best possible start to life, by setting the foundations for a comfy place to grow.
Gina is the founder and business owner of the successful clinic and online platform @Gina.Urlich, founder of, and mother of four. Gina holds a BHSc in Nutritional Medicine and also has a background in nursing. To work with Gina and her team visit
Illustrations: Good Studio