Fertility Treatments

Even if infertility treatments are used, this does not always mean that your infertility will be cured, even with success on the first treatment if you want to have another baby you will have to go through the treatment again.
Basal Body Temperature Chart
This is usually the first procedure performed for fertility reasons and is basic. It is when the women takes her temperature each morning before getting up and writes it down. It indicates when she is ovulating, the temperature is also taken during illness, spotting and after intercourse.
What is an Endometrial Biopsy?
It is the removal of a small sample from the womb lining. This insures that the lining is in time with the menstrual cycle. This procedure does not require an anaesthetic.
Indirect Immuno Bead Test (IIBT)
Mucus and sperm are collected and mixed with special beads. The sperm are checked for their ability to move. Antibody checks are also done at this time.
Mid-Cycle Post-Coital Test
Cervical mucus is removed from the cervix 4 hours after intercourse and is examined by a scientist under a microscope. The sperm and their activity can be examined in the mucus. This is an invasive procedure. It is painless but can intrude on your personal life.
Other Investigations
• Hormone assays.
• Laparoscopy: done under general anaesthetic, allows doctor to see the tubes, ovaries and pelvic structures.
• Sperm-cervical mucus contact test.
• Hysterosalpingogram: this is an x-ray of the fallopian tubes and uterus. It can detect abnormalities.
Doctor puts prepared sperm into reproductive tract. The raw semen may be directly infiltrated into the cervix or the sperm may be washed first and then placed into the uterine cavity. The sperm will be separated from the liquid part of the semen first in a lab. Then the sperm are concentrated into a small volume. This is done at the time of ovulation and can be done once or twice a month. It is a simple procedure and can take only a few minutes.
After A.I.H has been attempted, this may be the next choice. It involves anaesthetic and surgery and is therefore more invasive. This procedure has a higher success rate than A.I.H. G.I.F.T is a procedure where three oocytes are placed into the fallopian tubes with sperm. This sperm will be prepared before insertion in a similar method as it is in A.I.H. and is collected by masturbation. The embryo then develops in the fallopian tubes, which is the environment that they usually develop in.
• A.I.H has a 5-10 % success rate
• G.I.F.T has a 30-40 % success rate
• Factors that could inhibit your chances are, age, sperm quality, endometriosis, tubal damage or ovulation problems.
These can be invasive to your body, and to your sexual and social life. They can take a tole on your relationships. It is often advisable to seek counselling to assist through these difficult procedures.