Trying to conceive ... second time around

All pregnancies are different, and this is also the case when trying to conceive. Accessing expert advice and information is the very best thing you can do.
We often see couples who after conceiving easily have concerns with their second or third baby. Couples can be trying for 6 months, then 8, and before they know it, can find that a year has passed before they know it. Age can be a major factor the second time around. By the time you wait until the first born is 2 or 3 years old the biological clock has also passed another few years.
On a positive note, by experiencing a pregnancy previously, there is less likelihood that the delay will be due to a pre-existing condition, which does give you a good chance with fertility treatments.
Many different things can affect fertility
Age, weight, general health and past medical conditions can all impact fertility. However many couples will experience unexplained infertility, which though difficult to comprehend, can have good outcomes with fertility treatments.
Chance of pregnancy per month for your age - with and without IVF
The chance of pregnancy falls as a woman gets older, and the risk of miscarriage and abnormalities increases, even for people with no fertility problems. If you are having trouble becoming pregnant, the sooner you seek help, the better your chance of having a baby.
How long should I wait?
As fertility declines with age, your biological clock is the most important factor to consider. The graph below shows the recommended time frames for trying to conceive naturally before seeking help. For example, if you are 39 years old you should consider seeking help after 5 months, and should definitely be seeking advice after 1 year.
The best thing you can do is talk to us.
Being informed about your own fertility is the best thing you can do towards becoming pregnant.
We have some useful information to help you understand your fertility and if you are worried about your chance of having a baby, talking to one of doctors is the best place to start. You don’t need a referral from another doctor or your GP to see one of our fertility specialists.
0800 4 fertility