Five great habits to start while you're pregnant

Pregnancy is the perfect time to start a new regime of healthy habits.
SNACK SMART Pregnant women are advised to eat small and often, to keep energy levels up. Get into the habit of stocking nutritious snacks in your pantry, fridge and anywhere you would normally keep treats (the car, at work) Making them easy to access will help when you need a quick fix - put the hummus and wholegrain crackers at the front of your fridge and pantry, the fruit on the bench or table. Snacks with the most staying power combine carbs with protein so dried fruit and nuts, whole-grain crackers and cheese, yohgurt with muesli. They keep your blood sugar levels stable so you can avoid sugar highs and lows. REST UP Pregnancy is hard work! You're growing a baby, and that growing baby is putting a lot of demands on your body. That's why getting enough rest is crucial. Downtime helps reduce back pain, lowers your blood pressure, eases headaches and tension, and generally helps you feel better. So make a point of slowing down during your lunch break or for a half hour in the late afternoon. Delegate errands to your partner so you can nap, soak in the bath… DRINK HEALTHIER You don't have to give up caffeine completely when you're pregnant, but cutting back is a good idea. Caffeine (and sugar in drinks) can act as a diuretic, flushing out important nutrients like calcium before your body has a chance to absorb them properly. The safest drink of all is water — plain or sparkling. Zhuzsh it up with a slice of orange, lemon, or lime or pour in a splash of fruit juice. CUT BACK A To-Do list can be helpful, but don’t over-Do it. Pare it back by prioritising - and put taking care of yourself at the top! Shop online for birthday or Christmas gifts and get them delivered to the person; storebought goodies are fine if you need to bring a plate. Choose a couple of emails to answer a day and let the rest sit. GET WET A water workout — whether it's swimming laps or taking aqua aerobics — is an excellent low-impact way to exercise, especially in the third trimester. It helps improves circulation and endurance (which you’ll need during labour and with a newborn). The best part? No matter how big you may be, you'll feel weightless in the water.