Tips for travelling when pregnant
The second trimester of your pregnancy is the best time to travel - be it by plane, car or train. For obvious reasons too! In the first three months of your pregnancy you may be suffering from morning sickness, which could be aggravated by any travel especially if by boat. The last three months, where you will be your biggest, could see you extremely uncomfortable in a cramped plane or car seat. You also have to consider the possibility of going into labour early and having the baby in a strange hospital.
There is no evidence that travel will lead to complication during pregnancy.
Air travel
Most commercial airlines will have travel restrictions in place for pregnant woman.
Air New Zealand states that for national flights, if the pregnancy is over 38 weeks, then medical clearance is required. For international flights it is 36 weeks.
The airline suggests that pregnant women drink plenty of water, go for lots of walks and elevate their legs if possible.
Hormonal changes in pregnancy make the blood clots more easily so this also applies in long car and train trips also.
If you have high blood pressure, it may also limit your travel plans.
• Belts should be worn low. Buckle it around your hips so it is under your abdomen.
• When traveling by car, try traveling in short bursts rather than one long trip.
• Remember to get out and stretch your legs.
• On long trips, bring extra food and water.
Traveling overseas
Depending on where you are traveling, immunisations and vaccinations are best avoided, as are anti-malarial tablets. You should consult your doctor about what you can and can't be immunised for.
Be careful about the food you eat in countries such as South East Asia to avoid any food related diseases and if in doubt drink bottled water.