Nicola’s mindful water birth

Nicola Rewiti had to laugh when she went into labour with her third child, Mika, because her daily routine simply had to continue: kindy pick-up, pasta for dinner and Peppa Pig to occupy the kids.
Did you have a birth plan?
Nicola: I’d really hoped to go to Tauranga’s Bethlehem Birthing Centre, as it wasn’t available for my first two births. I’d planned to use the pool, as my prior births were in the water so I didn’t know any different.
How did you know you were in labour?
I’d had a few tightenings but could still go about my day. I decided to take my toddler out for a walk in the stroller and then pick up my daughter from kindy later in the afternoon. As we were walking back from kindy the tightening got more intense and I had to stop walking and breathe deeply. I called the midwife when I got home and then started cooking the kids pasta for dinner! I chuckle about the fact that I still managed to do dinner as the kids watched Peppa Pig and I waited for the midwife and my hubby to arrive. Life doesn’t stop just ’cause you’re in labour!
Did the birth go to plan?
It went even better than expected! My birth was fast and because Mika was born at 8:30pm, we were tucked up in bed by 10pm. There was a moment when I got to the transition stage, just before the pushing part, where I thought ‘I can’t do it anymore’. It was really intense but I knew I was almost there, so I drew on my extra energy stores. I was also lucky to have the combination of an amazing midwife and an incredible birth partner in my husband, Ants, who is calm and caring and held my hand the whole time.
How long was your labour?
Two hours of established labour and niggles throughout the day.
Describe the moment you met your new baby:
We had a surprise this time round and were so stoked that baby had arrived that we didn’t even check if we had a boy or a girl.
How did you prepare for labour?
In the last few weeks we thought bubba was breech, which can create huge anxiety, but my midwife was awesome and didn’t let me worry. With prayer, acupuncture and some good positioning, I think we convinced her to turn – the final scan confirmed she was the right way up! I found mindfulness and breathing techniques helped me stay centred and work through the contractions.
Pearls of wisdom for expectant mamas:
The moment you let fear sink in, your body shuts down its natural birthing abilities. I spoke positive words over myself as I laboured and I had one verse from the Bible I spoke to myself over and over: “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.”
Image: Natalie O'Brien Photography