SANDS: Support group for those suffering loss

A Little Life, Not A Little Loss
A support group for parents who experience the death of their baby
When a baby dies:
Dreams - Pregnancy and childbirth are a time of expectation, of building dreams and planning futures. Those dreams and futures are shattered when a baby dies.
Emotions - Irrespective of the parents' circumstances, the baby's gestational age, or how the baby died, each parent has a right to their own feelings and reactions.
Grief - Grief is unique. Everyone will react slightly differently to the death of their baby, but one common factor is the need for support.
Support - Parents and families need support, comfort, compassion and empathy so that they can begin to learn to live with their grief.
About Sands:
Sands Auckland Central Inc. is a parent run group supporting families, throughout the region, who have experienced the death of a baby. All supporters are also bereaved parents. Sands offers empathy and understanding. We are not counsellors and do not give advice but do importantly offer an opportunity to share experiences, talk and listen. The Sands group allows for recognition, acceptance and expression of our babies and our grief.
Who can contact us:
Sands volunteers are available to talk with anyone who feels we may be able to help them. We offer support to those dealing with the death of a baby in pregnancy, birth or as a newborn, and due to medical termination or other forms of reproductive loss.
Some of those who contact us are:
© Parents whose baby has died recently
© Parents who have been bereaved for many years
© Parents who may be subsequently pregnant
© Grandparents, other family members and friends who are also affected by the death of a baby
© Healthcare professionals who work with and support bereaved parents
What Sands offers:
Phone Contact - Sands volunteers can provide phone support to bereaved parents. If you are unable to make the first call please ask a family member or friend to contact us and we can then call you.
Support Meetings - Monthly support meeting s allow for the expression of loss and grief in a safe and caring environment. Parents who share similar experiences can often listen, acknowledge and accept feelings that others may find hard to comprehend. The group meetings offer a non-judgemental space to share stories, concerns and feelings.
Coffee Morning - Open to all and particularly for those parents who are subsequently pregnant or who have had another baby since our loss. Life and parenting is different after the death of a baby, and it can be hard to "gel" with other parents in coffee groups, kindy, parenting or antenatal classes. Many of us find it hard to relate to other expectant or new mums/dads who seem to be blissfully naïve about pregnancy and babies. The Sands coffee group is an opportunity to relax informally together over coffee, in an atmosphere where we all appreciate each other's struggles. We enjoy the opportunity to get to know each other better, chat about our babies who have died, and share the joys and frustrations of parenting our living children.
Library Books - Books from the Sands lending library can be posted out or collected at the Support Group Meetings. Some parents take encouragement by reading others' stories and learning their journey.
Magazine - Expressions is a quarterly magazine produced by Sands Auckland. This provides an alternative forum for sharing stories, poems etc… and gaining information on the Sands group.
Sands Support Pack - this may be available from your hospital or bereavement support team. It contains practical information for going through the necessary steps to be taken after a baby has died. If you have not received this pack and would like to do so please contact Sands.
Contact details:-
Sands Auckland Central Ph: 0508 SANDSA - 0508 72 63 72
Sands Auckland Central Co-ordinator, Claire: email
Sands Auckland Central Postal Address: P O Box 14 306 Panmure Auckland
National Website for further information and contact details of groups nationwide