Pregnancy after miscarriage

Depending on the cause of your miscarriage, and how far into the pregnancy it occurred, your doctor may advise you to wait three months or more before trying to get pregnant again. However, after an uncomplicated loss, you may be told it is safe to start trying again as soon as you have had one normal period.
Although your body may be physically able to conceive another child, it is important to ensure that you have completed the grieving process for your lost baby, and are emotionally ready to take on another pregnancy. If you fall pregnant again before you are emotionally ready it may make the subsequent pregnancy particularly stressful for you, and may also contribute to postnatal depression.
Your subsequent pregnancy will be an uncertain time for you - miscarriage takes away the innocence of pregnancy. You may feel certain that you are going to miscarry again and may be anxious about the signs and symptoms of pregnancy. It is important to talk over these feelings with your GP or LMC - he or she may be able to arrange blood tests or an early ultrasound scan to reassure you. It is important to remember that women who have suffered a miscarriage have an 80% chance of a successful subsequent pregnancy, and that even women who have suffered two miscarriages still have more than a 70% chance of a successful subsequent pregnancy.