Early Pregnancy Symptoms: What is Implantation Bleeding?

When trying for a baby, it’s important to watch for any early pregnancy symptoms, one of which is implantation bleeding. But what is implantation bleeding? This guide breaks down everything you need to know on the topic to simplify things for you. Read on to learn more about what your body is communicating!
What is Implantation Bleeding?
Implantation bleeding is a small amount of bleeding or spotting that occurs when a fertilised egg attaches to the inner lining of the uterus. The uterine lining contains small blood vessels, so as the embryo embeds, it can begin to bleed.
The bleeding normally occurs around 10 – 14 days after conception and is no cause for concern. Around one-third of pregnant women will experience implantation bleeding. However, the bleeding is so light for some that they won’t notice it.
How do I tell the difference between implantation bleeding and my period?
There are several differences between implantation bleeding and a regular period. Implantation bleeding will likely occur around the time your period would be due, but there are some signs to help you tell the difference.
The biggest and most obvious difference is the amount of blood produced. During a period, a woman’s uterus will produce enough blood to fill tampons or pads, while implantation bleeding is much lighter. Often the bleeding will only be noticeable when a woman wipes. There is no need to wear anything other than a panty liner, and there is no clotting.
Implantation bleeding also won’t produce the same side effects as a period. Cramping, for example, will be much less severe.
Implantation bleeding will also be over sooner than a period. The average period will last anywhere from three days to a week, while implantation bleeding rarely lasts longer than 48 hours.
Irregularities in menstrual cycles and spotting between periods are not common for women. If you are unsure whether you are experiencing implantation bleeding and have concerns, get in touch with your doctor or OBGYN.
Can I take a pregnancy test to see if it is implantation bleeding?
If you aren’t sure why you are bleeding, an at-home pregnancy test may be able to clarify. However, it’s best to wait until three days after the bleeding has stopped to get accurate results.
Your body won’t release the hormone HCG (which is what at-home tests detect to determine pregnancy) until after implantation is complete. If you take a test while still bleeding, it is likely too soon to get any conclusive results.
For advice on all thing’s pregnancy, visit OHbaby!
Implantation bleeding is a normal part of the pregnancy and parenting journey, and there is no need for worry. However, if you have any concerns about implantation bleeding, talk to your doctor.
If you want to learn more about pregnancy and to have children, you can find it on OHbaby! We have articles from experienced doctors and midwives, plus other parents speaking about their experiences. Discover many more resources available at OHbaby! today.