Birth announcement: Special of the Day

We love this stop-motion video created by Auckland parents Davian and Kristy to announce their "Special Of The Day" - the birth of baby Savana!
If you're inspired to do something similar, Davian has these tips:
- Think carefully about your shooting location. We chose to shoot outside, but this proved challenging as the light changes from one photography session to the next.
- A tripod is useful, as is keeping semi-permanent marks on the ground so the camera and subjects are in the same place for each photo.
- Be careful saying "we'll fix it in post" as this can easily snowball and a stitch in time saves nine in the editing chair.
- Edit as you go. This will give you the chance to understand if the shots aren't working and to make changes, if necessary. Also you won't have the mammoth task of putting it all together once baby has arrived, as well as juggling the needs of a newborn.
- Lastly, have fun with it. It's a unique time in your lives and this is a neat way to mark the occasion.
About Davian & Kristy:
Davian & Kristy live in the lovely tree-filled nook of Glen Eden, West Auckland. Kristy is a teacher librarian, currently on parental leave from Avondale Library, where she manages the after-school homework centre. Davian runs a small video production company, Rooftops Media. He has just started a new service called Mini-me Movies, making video packages of newborns to highlight special baby moments as a gift for new mums and dads. Check them out here: