Ten weeks pregnant

You're probably still feeling tired and on a bit of an emotional roller coaster, which is understandable given the changes taking place. Do continue to rest and take time out for yourself. You may find your morning sickness starting to improve this week, if not you may want to check out our tips for morning sickness section.
You will probably have your first antenatal appointment with your LMC this week. This initial appointment will probably take around an hour, follow up appointments will usually be half an hour. At this initial appointment, your LMC will take a full medical history, including a family history of diseases such as diabetes and epilepsy. He or she will check your blood pressure and your weight and talk to you about what to expect over the next few weeks. You may also be offered a referral for the Nuchal Translucency scan, which measures the fold of skin at the back of your baby's neck to give an estimated risk of conditions such as downs syndrome. In some areas this scan is offered routinely, in other areas it is only offered to those deemed to be "higher risk" - mothers to be over the age of 35 and those who have previously had a child with downs syndrome or other chromosomal abnormalities.
This week your baby officially graduates from being an embryo, to become a foetus. He or she now measures between 28-35mm long and weighs under 6 grams.
Your baby's head is still large in proportion to the rest of his/her body as a result of rapid brain development over this time. Neurons in your baby's brain are being produced at a rate of over 200,000 per minute.
By the end of this week baby's inner ears are complete and the outer ears are growing. Baby's wrists and ankles have formed and fingers and toes are now clearly visible.Your baby has a tongue, fingerprints and his eye colour has been determined. Tiny eyelids are closed to protect developing eyes.
Internally your baby's lungs are growing, the stomach and intestines are formed and genitals have begun to form.
Your baby's umbilical cord and placenta are now properly formed and are circulating important blood hormones and nutrients to your baby's body.
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