Eleven weeks pregnant

11 weeks pregnancy symptoms
As you near the end of your first trimester, some of those less-pleasant symptoms should be starting to abate… and new ones are likely beginning.
- Food cravings are normal, and as long as you’re not craving inedible things (Pica, a compulsive eating disorder, can be a problem for some expecting mums), feel free to indulge. While it’s unknown why cravings happen, most food items are fine in moderation.
- Breast tenderness is hopefully easing. They will be larger than normal- luckily in the second trimester, this growth slows.
- Vaginal discharge is super common. If it’s clear, odourless, or white, then it’s healthy. The body does more ‘self cleaning’ of the vagina in order to keep it healthy for pregnancy. If there is blood, a bad smell, or your vagina is itchy, see your healthcare provider.
- Linea nigra is another normal pregnancy symptom. It’s a dark line that runs from your tummy button, south. This will hopefully fade after birth.
- You could be urinating more, which is the side effect of increase hCG hormone. Keep on drinking plenty of water.
- Shortness of breath is also common in first trimester, as is dizziness or faintness.
- If you’re still experiencing morning sickness, for most women, it abates over the next few weeks.
Is extreme fatigue normal in the first trimester?
Fatigue in first trimester is common. And it could be fatigue like no other; while many blogs talk about going to bed a bit earlier to combat it, some women can barely move all day. Take naps as needed, and be kind to yourself. That fatigue is because your body is working overtime to build a strong, healthy placenta, get your breasts prepared for lactation, it’s producing more blood, and working twice as hard as normal. Your energy will start to return in a few weeks, and replace the complete exhaustion you’re feeling now.
Weight gain at 11 weeks pregnant
Some women gain weight in their first trimester, some lose it thanks to morning sickness. If you have noticed that you have gained weight, this is a result of a number of things. Your baby's support system (placenta, amniotic fluid etc) are rapidly developing; your uterus and breasts are enlarging and your total blood volume is increasing.
During the first trimester, you can gain about 1-2kg. Over your second trimester, you can expect to gain about 6kg and over your third trimester you may gain about 5kg. Anything between 8kg to 20kg of weight gain throughout the entire pregnancy is considered ‘normal’.
If you are underweight or over weight before pregnancy your doctor may recommend different dietary options. Read 'Healthy eating for two' for inspiration.
Your baby at 11 weeks pregnant
Your baby could measure up to about 5cm and weigh about 15 grams; about the same size as a strawberry or brussel sprout. This is expected to increase rapidly from now on. In order to cope with such growth and to provide your baby with more nutrients during this time, blood vessels in the placenta are multiplying and enlarging.
While your baby’s head is still out of proportion, this is starting to change as his or her body forms. Your baby's internal organs will now be developed and functioning, from now on they will grow in size and maturity. This means that from this point there is less risk of your baby developing any major congenital abnormalities.
Other baby growth milestones at 11 weeks pregnant
While your baby's genitals are continuing to develop this week, you still won't be able to tell if your baby is a girl or a boy yet. The tissue that covers this region will soon develop into either a penis or a clitoris and labia minora. This becomes visible on a scan at about 20 weeks.
Other parts of the body are also developing. The webbing on the hands and feet is going as the individual digits separate and form fingernails. On the head, lips and ears are developing, and your baby's eyes are moving to their permanent position. Tiny buds that will one day become teeth are forming.
How many months is 11 weeks pregnant
You are in the first month of pregnancy. Six months to go—although it goes slowly, it’s also lightning fast.
Should I be showing at 11 weeks?
Every mum is different. While there is very little weight gain in the first trimester, it’s likely your pants are feeling a bit tighter. This is the magic of progesterone, which is slowing digestion, creating more gas, and making you feel full, often uncomfortably so. Don’t worry though- same as morning sickness, this does not affect your baby in any way.
What should I be eating at 11 weeks pregnant
If you’re suffering from morning sickness, anything you can keep down is good. Also, water is so important- if the taste of water is bothering you, adding lemon, lime, mint, orange, or cucumber might make it more palatable. If you are able to eat, then focusing on fruit, vegetables, fish such as salmon, and high-fibre grains helps to provide nutrients you and your baby need.
Now is a great time to start thinking about exercise too. While the past two months may have been a write-off due to exhaustion and illness, in the next few weeks, it’s possible that energy may return. Prenatal yoga helps to prepare for birth, and keeps the anxiety and depression to a minimum.
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