32 weeks pregnant

Pregnancy symptoms at 32 weeks
With only eight weeks to go, you’re reaching the more uncomfortable part of pregnancy. You’re feeling bigger, and possibly experiencing a range of symptoms that range from slightly annoying to reasonably debilitating.
You might be feeling Braxton Hicks contractions. These are practice contractions, irregular and simply warming up your body for the real deal. They might not be noticeable, and if you do feel them, they will stop when you change position. Braxton Hicks feel like a tightening at the top of your uterus, spreading downwards. Typically they last 15 to 30 seconds.
32 weeks pregnant symptoms
<H3>Third trimester leg cramps
Leg cramps are common, particularly in your calves or shins. There’s no obvious cause or solution to this, chat to your healthcare provider to see if more calcium or magnesium might help.
Pregnancy dizziness and faintness
Being pregnant can cause your blood sugar to be all over the place. If it dips low, you might have periods of dizziness or feeling faint. Try five to six small meals spread throughout the day instead of three big meals, and have snacks like fruit, nuts, muesli bars or hummus to keep your blood sugar stable.
Itchy stomach
An itchy stomach or skin is common too, try moisturisers, creams, oils like almond or rosehip, or even calamine lotion. Avoid hot baths and showers. However, if you have itchy hands and feet, talk to your healthcare provider urgently to check it’s not cholestasis, a harmful condition for you and baby.
Leaking breasts in third trimester
Your breasts might be starting to leak. While it’s common for women to not have any leaking until two to three days after the baby arrives, it can also happen earlier on in your pregnancy too. It’s a yellowish fluid called colostrum. Use nursing pads if there’s a lot of fluid, but it’s nothing to worry about. Do not pump unless specifically advised by your healthcare provider though.
Digestion at 32 weeks pregnant
Your indigestion system is on a slow-down, which helps your body to absorb more nutrients from your food. But, that has several less than awesome consequences. Indigestion, heartburn, or acid reflux are all common for women in their third trimester. Alongside this, your bowels are sluggish, so you might be constipated.
What should I eat at 32 weeks pregnant
Because of the slower digestion, indigestion, and constipation, aim to eat food that has fibre—lots of fruit and veggies. Some women say almonds help with indigestion. You can also try chewing gum, drinking mint tea, not drinking water while you eat, and being hydrated in general. Spicy or greasy food may also repeat on you… again, and again.
32 weeks pregnant symptoms to never ignore
Preeclampsia is a condition that endangers your, and your baby’s, health. It causes high blood pressure and is more common in the second and third trimester. Preeclampsia can lead to eclampsia, which can cause seizures, coma, and foetal death.
Your healthcare provider should be monitoring your blood pressure and urine for signs and symptoms of preeclampsia. However, if you experience sudden weight gain, swelling, headaches, and vision changes, then contact your midwife of obstetrician immediately.
Your baby at 32 weeks
At 32 weeks, your baby's body is more in proportion. Fingernails and toenails are growing, and your child has eyelashes, eyebrows, and hair on their head. The lanugo hair that covered your baby from the first trimester is falling off. Some of this may remain on the shoulders and back at birth, particularly if your baby is born prematurely.
Your baby’s organs are fully formed, except for their lungs. They practice breathing by inhaling amniotic fluid. You’ll be able to feel hiccups which are part of the lung growth. Swallowing, breathing, kicking and sucking are all happening, in preparation for eating and digestion.
He or she now weighs around 1.8kg and measures around 42cm, and is gaining weight very rapidly, he or she has a very good chance of survival outside the womb if you delivered now. They are no longer transparent, and are more opaque, with their skin maturing.
You may notice that your baby does not move as much as previously, this is because there is less available space to move as your baby grows. Instead of kicking you may feel squirming instead. Brain scans have shown babies around this age start to have periods of dream (REM) sleep.
32 weeks pregnant is how many months?
You are in your eighth month of pregnancy. In three weeks, you will be eight months pregnant.
What position is your baby in at 32 weeks pregnant
Anytime from 32 weeks onwards is when your baby decides to get into position. Hopefully, now or over the upcoming weeks, he or she will settle head-down, bum-up, ready for eventual birth. You won’t feel the change, after all, the baby is constantly moving anyway. You may find a cute bottom zooming across the top of your stomach though.
Only 5% of babies are breech (bottom-down) come full term, so if they haven’t flipped yet, don’t worry, there’s still time for them to get into position.
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