Thumbprint cookies

Thumbprint cookies with chia jam
You will need:
1 cup oat bran
1 cup ground almonds
1 cup spelt or barley flour
½ cup maple syrup
½ cup oil – olive, safflower or rice bran oil
1. Mix everything together in a bowl.
2. Roll into small balls.
3. Squash with your thumb.
4. Add a little jam to the centre of each cookie.
5. Bake at 180˚C for 15 minutes.
To make some raspberry chia jam, you will need:
250g raspberries
¼ cup coconut sugar
zest and juice of ½ lemon
1 Tbsp chia seeds
1 Tbsp vanilla extract
1. In a large saucepan over a medium heat, place the raspberries, sugar, lemon zest and juice. Bring to the boil, reduce the heat to a simmer for 5 minutes, stirring often. Using the back of a wooden spoon, lightly mash the berries as they cook.
2. Add the chia seeds and vanilla, stirring well. Simmer for a minute, then remove from the heat. Let the jam sit for at least 10 minutes while the chia seeds swell and thicken the jam.
3. Once cool, spoon into jars. Makes 1 cup. Store in the refrigerator or freeze for future use.
Edited extract taken from See Play Do by Louise Cuckow, Beatnik Publishing,
hardback RRP$34.99, paperback RRP$24.99,