Special time ideas for your 12-24 month old

Toddlers want to explore their world, discover new tastes, textures and experiment with independence (while mum/dad are close by for security). Showing and discovering new activities with a toddler is lots of fun. Toddlers don’t expect a perfectly painted or crafted project but they sure are proud of their scribbles, squiggles and messy creations.
Parents that regularly set aside time for special time often notice an increase in cooperation, respect and overall happiness in their child and even in their feelings towards parenting.
Ideas for special time with Toddlers:
1. Blow bubbles
2. Watch clouds
3. Paint with pudding
4. Roll and toss balls
5. Play hide and seek
6. Read silly books
7. Visit the library
8. Create crayon drawings
9. Painting, getting creative with a brush or your fingers
10. Paint rock men
11. Open a pretend grocery stand
12. Smash and roll play-dough
13. Push your child on a swing at home or the local playground
14. Play counting games, counting books, toys, blocks etc
15. Hunt for butterflies
16. Pretend to be animals
17. Drum a song with pots & pans
18. Splash in rain puddles
19. Watch airplanes in the sky
20. take a visit to the zoo or the local pet store